03: the search for san

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- yunho 🐶
wooyoung where ARE you???

- minmin
yeah where are u? there's steak today and i'm sure its the one that wont give us food poisoning

- wooyoung
im so sorry guyss

- yunho 🐶
wait what do u mean

- wooyoung
i may or may not be having lunch rn with choi san

- minmin

Several texts bombard Wooyoung's phone right then, but he doesn't have the time to reply to all of them. He knows his friends, knows they ultimately won't cut their friendship because of something as miniscule as this.


Wooyoung licks his lips, his throat as dry as a desert. He places his phone on the booth he and San now share, poking at his salad while the other returns with a refilled drink.

Wooyoung's wallet may be bawling, but he convinces himself he's just doing a good deed.

San slurps through the straw, his lips wet. He looks up, nearly catching Wooyoung's gaze. "Want some?"

"Um, I'm good with my water." Wooyoung vaguely gestures at his drink. "And the salad."

"Okay." San keeps drinking. In fact, it's all he's ever done since they came here. The burrito and fries he ordered are still untouched.

"Are you not hungry?" Wooyoung blurts. When San pauses, he busies himself with the dimmed decor of the restaurant they're in. San's the one who brought them.

San sighs, adjusting his shades. "Not that hungry anymore. But the drinks are awesome, I guess."

Wooyoung can't stop observing those shades on his face. "Did something happen?"


"The shades." Wooyoung takes a bite of lettuce. Bad idea. He forces it down. "You don't need them around here."

"You can be quite blunt, Jung," San comments.

"I'm sorry -- "

"Stop apologizing." San takes another sip, and then he stretches his arms, before pulling off his sunglasses.

Purple. Purple shadows his eyes and a part of his left cheek. Wooyoung doesn't know if they're eyebags or something else entirely.

"Oh my god."

"I look terrible, don't I?" San chuckles, the low sound warming the shorter's insides. "I know you're curious."

"Do you not sleep?"

San taps the table. "I won't answer, just like I know you won't tell me why your left hand's bandaged."

For the first time in a while Wooyoung's eyes are drawn to his bruised hand. He fists it, aware of San's attentive eyes watching his every move.

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