06: hug hug hug

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The next day, San messages Wooyoung twice in the morning, once in the afternoon, and another one around six in the evening. And Wooyoung, being the elusive, nervous fuck he is, ignores every single one of them. So they sit on his phone, weighing a ton on his mind but his emotions preventing him from opening them and replying back. He doesn't even know what San has sent, because as soon as he sees 'san from class' he slides the notification off his screen. Slides, slides, slides.

He joins in on the uno game Yunho and Mingi decide to play, and pretends he's fine when they ask time and time again if anything's wrong with him.

They don't play for long since there's school tomorrow, and when he's supposed to be sleeping on the sleeping-bag he brought with him, he stares at his phone's dark screen until his eyes start to get irritated. It's worse since his glasses aren't on his face.

The device all of a sudden buzzes, its screen lighting up his side of the room.

'san from class' is calling. . .

Wooyoung's gushing heartbeat is all he hears at the moment, and his hands tremble as if he's caught a terrible fever. He sure feels like it.

Not knowing what to do, he watches on as the phone continues to vibrate. Before long the screen goes black again.

Wooyoung feels close to breathing properly once more.

'san from class' is calling . . .

Not knowing what comes over him, Wooyoung cancels the call and switches off the phone. He realizes what he's just done a second later, and wants to yell into his pillow.

Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

Wooyoung feels sick -- so sick. He's a terrible person, he thinks, over and over again, because here he is, shutting San out just because the guy wants to help him. It's not San's fault he came scarily close to figuring out the source of all his troubles, and it's not his fault either for being such an unexpectedly caring friend that Wooyoung can't help but hopelessly fawn over.

All of this is Wooyoung's fucking fault, and because he's such a stinking coward, he's now gonna risk losing the one guy he could share his deepest insecurities with.

Part of him wants to call San back and apologize, but the other, much bigger part, forces him to shut his eyes, pretend this isn't happening right now, and get some sleep for tomorrow. He won't want to miss school.

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Wooyoung misses school.

Apparently it's an actual fever, one he never noticed until he'd packed his stuff for class and suddenly felt like he'd just inhaled a mouthful of flames. Next thing he knew, Yunho's dad was driving him back home early in the morning and into his mother's frantic, waiting arms.

LEARN ME, woosanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora