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tw: mentions of domestic abuse

tw: mentions of domestic abuse

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- minmin
wooyo where r u rn

- minmin
its nearly five in the evening n yunho is being annoying with his videogames again

- minmin
wait,, dont tell me ur at sans place still

- yunho 🐶
what is this about my videogames
and why is wooyoung still at san's place

- wooyoung
i'm still with san
keeping him company and all

- wooyoung
already told mom and she's fine with it
just doesnt want me to get in trouble or get drunk or smth

- minmin
f ucking hell woo
are u home alone with him??

- wooyoung

- minmin
f u c king hell

- wooyoung

- minmin
what if u guys end up having sex!!

- yunho 🐶
uhh no way

- minmin
yes way!!

- minmin
i mean i'd been against u and san at first woo
but now that i think about it, u guys kinda look good together

- wooyoung
mingi pls

- yunho 🐶
no they do not >:(
guys remember san is a fuckboy, ok? and woo u can't have sex with a guy like that
ur too innocent and good for him

- wooyoung
no i am not!!

"Wooyoung?" A voice suddenly says, nearly knocking Wooyoung's socks off. Yes, he currently has socks on, a white pair with pastel green hearts.

Wooyoung's head swerves around and sees San standing at the entrance of the kitchen, his grey shorts revealing just how deliciously sculpted his thighs and calves are. God, I need help.

They've just finished gulfing down the mac and cheese,Wooyoung telling San about the stunt he pulled in Jaehyuk's desk in the process ("Oh my god Wooyoung" "But it's funny! See, you're laughing right now!"), and while San had been rinsing out the containers and utensils, Wooyoung had lost himself in the chaos of his small groupchat.

"Yeah?" He lets out, eyes drifting down San's sun kissed legs for the second time.

"What are you doing?" San asks, his voice having a musical lilt to it. He's been in a much better mood after Wooyoung showed up with the food, and though Wooyoung can't reverse what's happening with San's mother, he can provide support in any way he can.

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