27. In The Smoke

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“Taehyung, you need to get up.”

After the moment in the cement room, Namjoon and Jungkook had returned to Namjoon’s house with Taehyung.

This was not an easy feat, as Taehyung didn’t help at all.

He was like a corpse.

The moment they laid him on the spare bedroom mattress, he screamed and cried.

It was hard to watch the male going through such hell and not be able to do anything, so Namjoon called Seokjin and Hoseok over to his apartment so when Taehyung calmed down they could talk with him.

Seokjin was leaning against the room’s doorway with a mug of steaming coffee.

Setting the tray down on the nightstand, Seokjin sat down next to the lump of blankets on the bed.

“Taehyung. It’s been almost 2 days. You’re not going to get anywhere if you don’t talk to Jimin, or us.”

Taehyung shifted, mumbling to himself, “He won’t want to t-talk to me.”

Seokjin sighed, resting his hand on the younger’s back. “Try, Taehyung. It pains us all seeing you like this, and now that we don’t work for… him… we need to find a way to make money somehow.”

Seokjin stood up again, straightening out his shirt, “Well, there’s coffee here if you need it. Your phone is also on the nightstand, try giving the boy a call. At least explain yourself.”

And he left.

Taehyung was all alone again.

He sniffled and sat up, resting on his arms.

As he took a glance at his phone it only made his heart ache more. So as he was about to lay back down, he was caught off guard by his phone being called.

Grumbling, Taehyung picked up the cellular device and looked at the caller ID.

His heart stopped.



Yoongi left Jimin’s hospital room, wanting to give the two privacy. So he called his only other ‘companion’ Hoseok.

“Hey Hobi,” Yoongi said lightly, relieved to finally be talking to his… well other friend I guess.


Yoongi hears Hoseok screech from the other end of the call, causing Yoongi to chuckle deeply.


“Hi Hoseok, I’ve missed you too,” Yoongi said subconsciously, nibbling his lower lip out of nervousness.

“Yoongi there’s so much we need to talk about!”

“Yes. But I’m at the hospital with Jiminie, so we can catch up a little later. Just wanted to y’know check up on ya.”

“Oh yes, make sure Jiminie’s okay! He’s gonna be going through some recovery especially from the concussion that bat must’ve caused.”

“Oh yeah, he’s kinda loopy right now,” Yoongi laughs again.

“Well, I’ll talk to you later. Bye Yoongles!”


Yoongi sighed in relief, he did love talking to Hoseok. Maybe he even liked Hoseok a little, who knows.

He was 100% not going to admit that, though.





“Oh my hell, Jimin. Why are you calling me? Why are you even attempting to talk to me? I’m the worst excuse of a person in the entire world and you deserve so much better-”


Silence. then, “Yes?”

“Taehyung, I want you to tell me why. I want you to talk this out with me.”

Jimin could hear Taehyung nervously gulp.


Jimin waited, eyes glossy.

“When I was younger, 15 or 16, my parents had gotten rid of me. I was on the streets, a burden on society.”

Taehyung took a minute to breathe, then continued.

“That’s when Mr. Hall found me, told me I had ‘some potential’ in his business. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, little did I know it would cost me my whole of my humanity.

I worked for Hall for years, getting corrupted by his excuses and schemes, claiming to me that this was all for the better and I was doing a good thing each time.

He told me one day that he wanted to get back at the Parks. Your parents.

I agreed obviously not wanting to let him down.

But God, I had no idea I would get so attached to you.”

The corners of Jimin’s lips slightly curved into a smile.

“I completely forgot about my assignment half of the time I was supposed to be finding dirt on your parents.

When we … kissed on the Ferris wheel that was the moment I realized this wasn’t the life I wanted to carry out.

But it wasn’t that easy, Jimin. Hall had me in the palm of his hand and if I even tried to slip out he could kill me and you both.

I did the one thing never allowed to do on a task for his mafia.

I fell in love.

God, I fell so deeply in love with you that every time I looked at you I felt a ping of guilt building up inside of me.

I couldn’t see you hurt, it was especially hard for me at your parent’s dinner. And there will never be enough sorry’s in the whole world for you to ever forgive me but know that I would say them all to even have you smile at me one more time Jimin. I caused you so much strife and pain and I am so genuinely sorry. I can’t believe you even wanted to call me.”

Jimin chuckled lightly, finding Taehyung’s attitude adorable.

Jimin peers down to his right arm, the scar still evident from the males removing the tracker in his arm.

He sighs, still holding the phone up to his ear but now staring back at the ceiling.

“Taehyung,” he starts, breathing even.

“I fell for you, too. And yes though most of it was fake-”

“It wasn’t!”

“I still can’t let this come in my way. Taehyung I have utterly fallen for you and even though I’ve been hurt by you, I… I want to give you another chance.”

Taehyung felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. These were the words he’d only dreamt of hearing from Jimin and now they were being said for real.

“Jimin, give me a second chance. Let me make this all up to you. I’m free now. I can treat you like you deserve.”

Jimin sighed, replying with an “Okay”


One more chapter.

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