2. New Kid

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Taehyung has been trying to locate Jimin every chance he gets, but as the student is constantly exiting and entering the High School, it’s harder than it appears. Sighing, he pulls out his phone and dials a very familiar number.


“Hello, this is Taehyung. I need to speak with Hall please.”

There is rustling at the other end of the call. Suddenly, “Taehyung, my guy, what’s the update?” Taehyung rolled his eyes at the positive tone the Man held. How is death amusing?

“I need some way to enroll in the school, I can’t figure out this guy’s schedule but I can become closer to him and get the rings back, as well as-" Taehyung was suddenly cut off when he heard the other end hand up.


Just as soon as he had uttered that word he received a text from an unknown number:

***-***-****: Done.


Jimin sat at the desk closest to the window. He loved looking out onto the gardens and seeing the city spread out into what looks like forever.

Out of nowhere, the entirety of the class’s attention moved to the boy entering the room.

Jimin paid no mind to it, kids were often late, but he heard whispers coming from people around him about the boy behind him.

Curious, Jimin turns around only to be caught in the gaze of the boy behind him. He had raven black hair and dark green eyes, deep as an ocean. The boy’s hair was put into a loose bun, pieces of his curly hair falling out to the sides of his face, some tucked behind his pierced ear. Silver cross earrings dangle from the flesh, followed by one or two studs traveling upwards. He was attractive.

He knew he had been staring for too long when the boy said “Hi there,”

Jimin couldn’t keep the blush from creeping up his cheeks, as he stuttered “Oh, I’m s-sorry I didn’t mean to stare.”

Taehyung smirked at the flustered Jimin in front of him. He’s so adorable

“I uh haven’t seen you here before,” Jimin said, “I’m Jimin, what’s your name?”

Taehyung purposely stared into the bright blue eyes of Jimin, replying “Taehyung. And yes, I am new here. Maybe you could show me around?” To this Jimin nodded calmly with a smile, having gathered himself, and turned back around.

Once he turned around, he didn’t feel the piercing gaze the boy behind him wore on his face. For Taehyung, it was very hard not to stare at the back of Jimin's head. The way his dirty blonde hair loosely fell on his neck, the memory of his eyes and smile imprinted in Taehyung’s head.

Come on man, don’t fall for this guy. That’s the worst thing that could happen.

Taehyung brushes off the thoughts and continues with his biology paper. But he looked up and he noticed something on the side of Jimin’s neck, right below his ear. It looked like...

A tattoo?

Jimin didn’t seem like the type; But Taehyung wasn’t one to judge, it’s just the design of the tattoo that caught him off guard. It was one angel wing.

Now, Taehyung had a couple of tattoos here and there but he had to cover them up for school.

He was curious about the meaning behind it, and what this boy had been through, but that would have to wait for another day.

        Briiiiiiing Briiiiiiing

Taehyung hadn't noticed how fast class went by, as it's been almost 2 years since he attended high school.

"You coming? I believe we both have Painting next." Jimin catches Taehyung's attention and swings his backpack onto him.

Taehyung watches the swift movements of the schoolboy.


"Yep, lead the way."


The fitness gram pacer test....


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