20. How Could You Do This?

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warning: violence, torture

Jimin’s POV

The first thing I noticed was a pounding in my head, confusion rising in my mind.

That is until I realized I was definitely not at my house.

The walls were cemented, along with the floor. A dim light was placed directly above my head and a table with what looked like gardening tools set on top. I was sitting on a hard, sturdy metal chair with my arms tied around the back I believed.

My head weakly turned up only to be blinded by the bright light above, wincing, I continue to look around. This is not a dream.

What the fu-

“Is he in here?” A rough voice sounded from outside the room I was in.

Panic arises in my chest, goosebumps appearing on my arm.

I’m screwed and I don’t even know why.

The door I hadn’t noticed before swings open, revealing a tall male. He was wearing a red velvet vest with a white long-sleeve shirt underneath and a pocket watch hanging out, and sleek black pants.

He scans me up and down, motioning to someone outside the door.

Another male enters the room. He appeared to be strong and tall with hair off to the side, a name tag with the initials J.JK.

And following him was I assumed to be the last male, taller than the J.JK guy and beefier, too. Dimple prominent on his face with short gray-styled hair.

Who the hell are these men?


The first man with the watch looked down at me, a smirk forming on his lips.

“Park Jimin?”

He knows my name.

Oh my God, he knows my name.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he glances towards the other two males, them nodding and leaving the room once again.

“I’ve been studying you, Park Jimin. For a long time, now.” The man slowly steps around behind me.

“W..who the hell are you people?!” I manage to blurt, my voice is hoarse and dry.

I only hear a dark chuckle then the man steps in front of me.

“I know you. I know about your family. I know everything you have ever done in your sad excuse of a life.”

“What are you talking about?” I frantically exclaim, still struggling against the ropes.

“Good luck with that.”

The door opens again revealing the two males from before, now carrying a scalpel and more rope.

They close and lock the door behind them, now all three surrounding me.

The one with the dimples starts untying my roped hands, so I attempt to punch them.

My hands are fucking numb.

I can’t even move them, smart bastards.

They easily take my hands again and tie them to the front armrests of the chair.

The (what I assume to be) boss guy with the pocket watch starts talking first, his gold tooth blinding me.

“Does the name Kim Taehyung ring a bell?”



“What’s it to ya?” I glare at the man.

He only chuckles.

“You don’t even need to answer, because I already know.”

As if on queue, J.JK unlocks the door and a man walks in. He had messy black hair pulled into a bun and a dark blue suit.

It’s Taehyung.

“TAEHYUNG” I scream, immobile from the chair.

He makes eye contact with me, fear suddenly filling his eyes.

“JIMIN?” He scurries towards me, kneeling next to me.

The boss only tsked, Taehyung standing up again. A frown on his face.

“What’s going on, Taehyung?” I choke out, tears threatening to spill.

Taehyung’s hands are gripped tight, a tear falling down his tan face.

“Good idea, Jimin. Let’s have Taehyung tell you everything he’s done to you.”

I was confused.

Was Taehyung on these maniacs’ side?

What’s happening?

Taehyung swallows, “Please don’t make me, Mr. Hall.”

Mr. Hall. That name sounds slightly familiar.

Mr. Hall only motions his hand to the man with the scalpel.

The dimple man kneels next to my right arm perching the scalpel right on top of my vein.

“What are you doi-”

The pain.

Oh my God, the fucking pain.

I would say it felt like a knife piercing my skin, but that’s exactly what it was.

The tears fell shamelessly down my face.

I couldn’t help but cry out at the searing feeling in my right arm, the man only reaching for tweezers after the incision was made.

He reached under my skin with the tweezers, causing me to choke out a sob.

My eyes traveled up through my dangling faded hair to look at Taehyung.

Taehyung only had his eyes aimed away, hands covering his ears as he struggled not to cry out as well.

How was Taehyung not doing anything to help me?

I’m right in front of him.

He’s just.. Standing there.

Look at me.

Fucking LOOK AT ME

“Taehyung FUCKING HELP ME” I scream out, Taehyung only flinching at the words.

The man near me pulled something out of my arm with the tweezers, placing it on a tray and walking away while the other man with doe eyes took another pair of tweezers and started sewing up my arm.

The pain from this was much less than the knife but it still hurt like a bitch.

I continued to cry. Why was Taehyung just standing there watching me suffer?

Mr. Hall took the pair of bloody tweezers from the man with dimples, and he held them in front of my face. There was a small metal square in the clutch of the tweezers.

“This,” he said, spinning the tweezers around, “is a tracking device. It’s been inside of you the past couple of months, Park.”

I couldn’t even comprehend what was in front of me as my mind was still pounding from the intense pain in my arm.

Mr. Hall only stands up straight, hands behind his back.

“Did you see how Mr. Kim just stood there? Not helping you, huh?”

“I...I…” I stumble out, but no words are formed from my trembling lips.

“See, Mr. Kim works for me and has for years. He was never your friend. He never loved you. He was trying to ruin your life-”

“That’s not true!” Taehyung stumbles out, hand outstretched.

“Shut up, Taehyung.” JK harshly whispered.

“I told Taehyung to get me dirt on your family. On the Fern empire. He was mainly successful, from what you didn’t know.”


K I know this is a not good time to bring this up but should I release the sneak peek to my new tennis story 💃

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