18. Stealth

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Taehyung left the room.

Jimin had assured him he’d be fine with his hand intertwined, so Taehyung took his mind back to searching the house while they were busy.

Yes, Taehyung felt really bad. Jimin was definitely mistreated in his younger days, but Taehyung needed to get this done or he’d most likely be homeless, or worse, have his life taken from him.

Silently walking upstairs, or really he didn’t need to do that because of the volume of the loud voices coming from downstairs, he crept up to the top floor.

The hallway upstairs was huge, with an arrangement of doors on each side.

Starting with the biggest set of doors, Taehyung assumed it was the master bedroom.

Entering the room he noticed it was very tidy.

But there were definitely secrets hidden within the cleanliness of this bedroom.

Taehyung checked under the bed, and in the bathroom. Nothing.

This wasn’t going to be easy, we’re talking about some of the biggest people in the whole world.

Taehyung started feeling the walls all around the room, searching for a secret door or a button of some sort.

After a little bit of searching, he comes across a bump in the wall behind the clothes in the master closet.


He pushes the button down, and a door slides past him.

What was in front of Taehyung had his lips gapped in horror.

There were pictures of people slaughtered in front of his eyes.

Each picture has its own graphic horror displayed in front of him.

And he found something in common with each of the pictures.

Each of the people slaughtered was from Chronos. The mafia group Taehyung was a part of.

He could only distinguish this from the small, detailed clock with sprouted angel wings on a different part of each of the bodies. In the photos, the tattoo was circled in a bright red marker.

Taehyung had to cover his mouth with his hand to keep from the choked sobs giving him away.

His members. His… friends. All dead because of this damn empire.

There was a pile of documents to the bottom left of the board, so he picked them up scrambling for the front door.

He called Seokjin for a ride. There was no way he wasn’t going back to headquarters. He finally found something important on the Ferns, along with the location of their manor.

Seokjin came to the end of the street crazily fast, telling Taehyung to get in the car and speeding off.

Well, it didn’t hit Taehyung hard until he remembered he never closed the closet door.


Jimin arrived home about 1 hour ago.

He couldn’t wrap his head around how Taehyung would’ve gotten home, his sole focus on his parents.

How could they have done this to him? The boy he loved so fucking much. His whole childhood was a lie. Everything.

Jimin grew into an angry fit, thrashing and throwing everything he could find to the floor. Finally falling to his knees sobbing.

“Why… why? God, I hate myself. This was all my fault.”

His shirt now soaked in tears, Jimin took his blazer off leaving just a plain blacktop.

A knock hit his door, suddenly. Jimin did not want to answer it and was about to yell go away but the door creaked open revealing a smiling Yoongi.

But Yoongi’s smile fell almost instantly as he took notice of the apartment.

“Jimin… what the hell…?”

“Y-y-yoongi p-please hold m-me..” Jimin choked out, tears falling down his chin.

Yoongi rushed down to Jimin’s side, wrapping his arms around the younger.

Yoongi didn’t ask any questions, only held Jimin tighter.

Jimin cried for several hours that night. Yoongi did not utter a word, assuming Jimin didn’t want to talk about it.

Jimin eventually fell asleep on the couch, so Yoongi covered him with a warm blanket and sat down next to him, checking his phone.

One new message from *Hobi: I never heard back from you, did you enjoy the chocolates?*

Yoongi smiled at the message. It felt nice to finally have someone constantly caring about you besides his Jimin.

He replied, *Yes I did. Jimin is having a rough night. I’ll talk to you tomorrow :)*

He turned his phone off, brushing some hair out of Jimin’s face while Jimin snored quietly.

He was lucky to have such a perfect best friend, and Yoongi was ready to listen as long as it took to find out what was troubling Jimin.

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