4. Not a Date

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Taehyung spots Jimin sitting down in their biology class the following day. Jimin was wearing a white crop top with high-waisted ripped jeans and a pink plaid button-up on top. Taehyung thought it was the right amount of adorable and attractive at the same time.

Striding over to his desk, Taehyung takes a seat behind the shorter one in front of him. He really does want to get to know Jimin better, so he taps his shoulder. Jimin was shocked by this but slowly turned around to face Taehyung with a smile on his face, which Taehyung noticed his doll-like eyes turning into crescents whenever he smiled so big.

“What’s up, Taehyung?” Jimin rests his head on his hand, staring into the other’s eyes. Now, this expressiveness from the younger one caught Taehyung totally off guard, so he stumbled with his words just a little bit.

“Uh, I was just wondering..” Oh come on Taehyung, you work for the mafia. Are you seriously losing yourself over this kid? “I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? Maybe today or tomorrow?”

Now this made Jimin smile even brighter than before, and he replies “Sure, but let me ask Minyu first.”

Minyu? Who the hell is that?

“Minyu?” Taehyung asks, looking questioningly into the blonde’s eyes. Maybe Jiyu was his roommate, so he had to ask permission before bringing someone over. Or maybe his brother or sister? He had no idea.

“My boyfriend!” Jimin smiles.

Boyfriend… oh. Taehyung didn’t know why that upset him, it’s not like Jimin was his after all. He can’t possibly be jealous having just met the boy.

“Perfect,” Taehyung says before bringing his attention back to his biology paper,


Strawberries and Cigarettes - Troye Sivan

After class Jimin approaches Taehyung with a smile. “Minyu says as long as we go to a cafe or something, it’s okay!” Taehyung puts on a grin and says “Well, let’s take my car. We can blast tunes and drive with the roof down.”

Taehyung had a convertible, thanks to his boss, and Jimin couldn’t help but stare with his mouth agape at the vehicle in front of him. The car was a deep blood red shade and had gold trim around the doors. It was beautiful.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Taehyung asked Jimin guiding him to the car.

As soon as the boys had driven onto the highway, Jimin asked Taehyung where they were going. There were many coffee shops around the school, so he’d expected them to go to one of those.

“There’s a special one just off this highway, be patient, Jiminie.”

Jimin got wide-eyed at the nickname, but couldn’t help the little fluttery feeling in his gut. I shouldn’t be feeling this. Jimin thinks, and he pushes the feeling away.

“Let’s play some music, huh?” Taehyung turns on the radio.

As soon as Jimin had heard the first beats of the current song, he couldn’t help but sing along. Strawberries and Cigarettes was one of his favorite songs.

“Remember when we first met?” Jimin sings. Taehyung had never heard such an angelic voice before. He had to slap himself out of his thoughts so they wouldn't get into a car crash. But it was hard when Jimin looked so perfect. The wind in his Ash Blonde hair, his flannel tied loosely around his shoulders, and his rose-tinted sunglasses make him look like a model.

“Long nights, daydreams
Sugar and smoke rings, I’ve been a fool.
but strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
Headlights, on me
Racing to 60, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you.”

By this point Jimin is sitting on top of the passenger seat, belting his lungs out.

Taehyung can't help but admire the smaller boy, he seems so fragile and beautiful. Of course, he knows he shouldn't think this way of someone he's trying to get answers out of. But it's a long process to get to know Jimin enough to be invited to his parent's. Well, this is what Taehyung tells himself, although he can't ignore the true happiness he's feeling right now in the presence of Park Jimin.


they are totally not on a date 👀

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