1. Task

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“Park Jimin?”

Taehyung is currently standing in his Boss’s office. It was a Thursday afternoon, but you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between day and night. Dark filled the inside of the room, most likely due to the velvet curtains hanging to the floor. A shiny birch desk sat in the front center of the room, with one soft black chair behind it, and two plain chairs in front. A liquor shelf to the right, and a TV on the far right corner. Potted plants scattered around the room, and everything was sitting on top of a fuzzy dark gray rug.

Taehyung was sitting in the chair across from the desk.

Kim Taehyung was an attractive young man. He had black loose curls covering his forehead, but parted on the right and pulled back into a tight bunt. He was tall, built, and had strong hands. Green eyes complimented his tan skin, like a drop of blue in an ocean of white. “It says here that they are the leaders of another group; The Fern Empire. Jimin is their heir, correct?" He looks to the right of the man’s desk, spotting the shiny name plaque near the edge. Mr. Hall, it read.

“Dead on.” Mr. Hall stares into the boy’s eyes. Hall had this dark aura around him, smoothed back jet black hair, black eyes, and a scar above his right eye.

He was dangerous, anyone could tell from just a glance.

“His parents, Park Ji and Park Hae are the leaders of the infamous Fern organization. They are responsible for many of our fatalities this year, and they keep getting in our way. What I need you to do is get info on everything you can from the boy. I suspect he has a faint idea of what they do since he is only 17 and not old enough to take ownership yet. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get anything right? He must know something. Think you can handle this?”

Hall glared at Taehyung, the last sentence he had uttered having a hint of threat in it.

All in all, Taehyung thought it was humorous that the older man had tried to break through his shell, but he’d never let anyone know that. It could get him killed.

“I’ll also have Jungkook and Seokjin on your tail, checking up every once in a while.”

“Of course,” Taehyung said monotonously.

Hall smirked, “I knew I could rely on you, as Hoseok and Namjoon are busy on a task in the Maldives.

“So, will you do it? Or are you going to let me down? You do realize that you could end up homeless if you decline.” Hall knew he had power over the 18-year-old. Taehyung was on the streets until he got to him. Since then, Taehyung had gotten very experienced in killing, threatening, fighting, as it became his whole life. He didn’t have any friends. At all. Maybe he could call his other mafia acquaintances “friends” but other than that he had nothing to lose. Plus, he needed to succeed to stay his boss's number one.

Mr. Hall had given him a room in his building, food, and clothes to wear just so long as he does what is asked of him.

So Taehyung turns around heading out of the dark office.

“Let’s not have a repeat of last time, eh? Don’t want you going soft on me now.”

Taehyung only nods to this, closing the doors behind him.


Jimin was a pretty boy. He was thin, toned, had light skin and a short body, but his eyes were a favorite to others. He had doll-like brown eyes that you could so easily get lost in with no chance of escape. Yet he had an adorable, soft side of him. Jimin loved wearing oversized sweaters and pretty things, along with skirts. He was so perfect-looking.

Even in the morning, he looked perfect, like right now.

    Beep Beep Beep...

Jimin groans as he turns under his sheets. He slams his hand down on the alarm clock, only to hit his hand on his nightstand.


Wincing, he turns to lay on his back staring at the ceiling. Back-sticking stars and band posters covered almost all of the white slate and Jimin couldn’t help but smile as he thought about his younger days.

Not all of his memories were good ones, most of them weren’t. To anyone else, his childhood would have been a horror movie. But Jimin was used to this and wasn’t as fazed as he used to be. He still had panic attacks every once in a while, but he would never tell anyone. Especially his boyfriend, Minyu. God knows what he would do to the boy if he found out.

Jimin’s room wasn’t exactly big, but it was comfortable. A double bed in one corner, a dresser and bathroom door in the other, what you would expect from a 17-year-old: Posters, (in this case quotes) plants especially, and photos of his friends. With a big yawn, he stumbles into his bathroom gripping a t-shirt and ripped jeans in one hand.

Closing the door, he undresses. It was currently 5:47 am, and if he wanted to make it to school on time he would need to hurry his shower up.

That’s what I get for laying in bed for too long…

Stepping into the shower, he let the hot water hit all sides of his hair before massaging in the conditioner. How else are you supposed to keep curls this perfect?

Jimin closes his eyes, washing his face. He gets lost in thought for a minute, before snapping himself awake and hurriedly shutting off the shower. He grabs one of the towels from the rack next to his bathroom closet and wraps himself in it. Even though he’s the only one here, he doesn’t like looking at his own body in the mirror. As he brushes his teeth, he looks up into the mirror.

This always happens. He stares at himself picking out all the little flaws, bundling them into a ball, and carrying the weight on his own back all day every day.

Jimin always thought he was too short. Too pudgy, Too stupid-looking.

Having lots of friends, he never knows who he can trust so he carries all the weight on himself, never depending on anyone else as he thinks he’ll just become a nuisance.

Jimin goes through his wardrobe, sliding through his many shirts he comes across his second-favorite baggy sweater. It was light blue with a white collar. He matches this shirt with a pair of very white ripped jeans, a gray beanie and puts in his favorite Jimin-bear earrings with a silver necklace. This looks decent… he thinks to himself.

Sliding on his comfortable doc Martin’s, he grabs a protein shake, his bag, and heads to school.


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