11. Butterflies

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Taehyung noticed Jimin hadn't come to school in about two days, and when he had texted the younger he had only replied with 1 to 2 word:  "okay" or "I'm fine"

He'd visited Jimin's apartment yesterday, but no one ever came to the door, and when he asked Jungkook to check Jimin's security cameras, (don't ask) he said Jimin was just lying on his bed.

Having had enough, Taehyung starts for the apartment again, determined to figure out what's wrong.

The door was unlocked, so he slowly crept into the apartment, as it was dead silent.

He opens the door to Jimin's room, seeing him just laying on his bed, he looked so empty.

So Taehyung doesn't say anything, just crawls onto the bed next to him and stares into his eyes.

"I missed you at school, Minnie."

Jimin just sighs, "Minyu.. uhm Minyu cheated on me. So I didn't feel up to going today.

Taehyung didn't say anything, only cuddling closer to the boy and holding him. He hadn't ever felt so comfortable being in Jimin's presence, he never felt like this with anyone else.

Taehyung was supposed to be a badass Mafia member, not giving a fuck on anyone or anything. Having a cold heart was part of his job, but sometimes he had a little breakthrough and it was so current recently. He truly bonded with Jimin, and even though he knew deep down he couldn't get attached and he needed to take down the Fern Empire, he wanted to spend this moment with Jimin. Hating to think about it, Taehyung might maybe feel something for him. Maybe.


Jimin was finally at school after that night full of holding each other and crying. It's been about 2 weeks and Jimin kept saying he wanted to be alone, but he and Taehyung both knew he couldn't handle it anymore.

After an uneventful day at school, Taehyung invited Jimin to go to the carnival in town. Hoping this would bring Jimin's mood up, and forget about Minyu's pathetic ass.

So Taehyung and Jimin played carnival games, and Jimin was very skilled in the dart one.

"How the fuck are you so good at this?"

Jimin shrugs. "I used to play darts all the time, so I don't know.."

Jimin needed one bullseye to win the giant pink stuffed monkey, so he took a deep breath, and threw the dart.

"Congratulations kid! Here's your prize." The stand worker hands Jimin the monkey, and Jimin instantly gives it to Taehyung.

"W-what?" Taehyung hesitantly took the monkey into his arms.

"It's for you, dumbass." Jimin smiles, wrapping his arm around Taehyung's waist, and ushering him off to the Ferris wheel.

Taehyung blushed at the contact and followed behind.

STOP IT  Taehyung’s insides were screaming You know this can’t work. You are going to hurt him, ruin his little life. You have bad intentions. Stop now

Taehyung merely pushes the feelings aside and focuses on the man in front of him happily skipping to the Ferris wheel.

What a sight for sore eyes.

Jimin’s hair was fluffy, emphasizing the intricate features of his face. He also was wearing a light blue fuzzy sweater, and white shorts with lace underneath, leading to his rose gold combat boots.

Taehyung had his hair in a loose bun, a black leather vest, and tight dark blue jeans followed by simple grey tennis shoes.

Holy shit.

Taehyung looked like a Greek God according to Jimin, and Jimin looked like the most perfect angel, according to Taehyung.

“C’mon, Tae,” Jimin jumps in line for the Ferris wheel.

“Okay Minnie, I think the fireworks are supposed to start soon anyway.”

They waited in line for maybe 20 minutes before getting into a cart and being carried up and around.

The Ferris wheel stopped, with them at the top, and they both looked at the glowing night sky in front of them.

Taehyung turns to look at Jimin, his features standing out with the faint glow of the carnival lights. He was completely gorgeous, and Jimin noticed Taehyung staring at him.

Jimin’s eyes met with Taehyung’s. It was like a peaceful silence had filled their minds, and Jimin leaned over and rested his head on Taehyung’s shoulder.

Suddenly, fireworks were being launched up into the sky, explosions of color and emotions surrounded the friends. Jimin smiles. He loves this feeling.

And so the two stayed up there for about 5 minutes, taking in all the glory of the night. It felt like pure bliss, being in each other's presence.

They didn’t want that to change.

Jimin slowly turned his head to face the older, looking up to him with big eyes. Taehyung glanced down, slowly leaning in towards the other.


Peace is what they both felt.

The perfect moment when their lips collided. Butterflies danced around Jimin’s stomach as well as Taehyung’s, as they both fell deeper and deeper into each other.

Taehyung’s hand gently reached up to the younger’s jaw, holding him and craning his neck only slightly to get a better position.

Their lips danced gently against each other for a little longer, until Jimin pulled away first, heavily breathing.

Nothing was said.

Jimin only smiled, laying his head on Taehyung’s shoulder and intertwining their fingers.

On this melancholic night at the top of a Ferris wheel. They watched the fireworks while in each other's embrace.

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