3. Texts

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After turning corner after corner in the school, the students reach the Art room. It was at the far edge of the school, so both boys were a little late as Jimin had forgotten his favorite pen in biology when they were halfway there.

"We can sit in the back, is that okay?" Jimin asks, motioning to the table with two chairs placed right in the back, near the glitter and glue shelf.

Taehyung wanted to try to get nervous Jimin back; so he put on a smirk staring right into Jimin's Celeste blue eyes. "Sure."

Taehyung and Jimin sit down at the table in the back. "So," Jimin starts, "What brings you here, Taehyung? Where are you from?"

Jeez, Jimin looks so innocent but so fucking attractive at the same time...

"I got kicked out of my old school."

This didn't surprise Jimin, as Taehyung had seemed like a rule-breaker from the start. But he did feel a little guilt in his stomach from assuming before getting to know someone.

"Well," Jimin smiled, his whole aura glowing, "I hope this school will be better for you."

Taehyung's heart melted at the expression of care from the blonde.

He sent a reassuring smile back, then turned towards the front of the class where the teacher had started the introduction to ceramics.

While this was happening, Taehyung was well aware of Jimin staring at him, so he decided to do something about it.

"Jimin," Taehyung snapped him out of his gaze "do you want my number?"

Eyes wide, Jimin smiled, a little embarrassed he was caught staring, and nodded.

"That'd be lovely."


3:21 am

Jimin had been awake for 4 hours. His mind would try to relax to fall asleep, but the face of that curly-haired boy stayed in his head.

"Why can't I fucking fall asleep," Jimin grumbles to himself, checking his click for the fourth time.

He's already taken two melatonin, but he hasn't been knocked out like he thought he would've.

Onto his last resort, he texts Taehyung.

They texted every morning to meet up before school. Doubting Taehyung would be awake, Jimin messages him anyways to calm his nerves.

u awake?

actually yeah

did I wake u? sorry :'(

He's so pure oh my god Taehyung thinks while sitting on his bed.

He's been awake for a while. Taehyung can't sleep very well at night, as he gets lost in his thoughts. He had been thinking of the smaller boy and his beaming smile. Taehyung needed to keep reminding himself that this boy has bad business with his boss, but what if he didn't know? What if Taehyung was going to torment him for something he had no part in in the future? These are the things he was thinking about until the boy himself texted.

No, you didn't. don't worry :-)

oh okay :-)
Well, why are you up?

Just thinking about some things.

Oh, same. sometimes I just get lost in thought and don't sleep at all :'(

hm. What do you think about it?

I don’t want to touch on it, but let's not get into that :-)
Anyways, you should sleep. goodnight

Shouldn't he also get some sleep? Taehyung ponders before drifting off into slumber.


It's so annoying when I transfer my chapters from drive to Wattpad and it doesn't save like my bolded or italised words so sorry if the line between thoughts and other is kinda blurry I am trying to fix it!

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