19. Headaches

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After a drive in the dark, Taehyung was back at Mr. Hall's building. The thick gray walls and small windows made the building blend in, no one would know it was home to one of the biggest mafias in the whole of the world.

Seokjin hadn’t said much on the way home, only driving straight to the building, eyes on the road.

It was unsettling, to say the least.

“Seokjin, I need to go check on Jimi-”

“No, you don’t. You aren’t going back there since you’ve got all we needed.”

Taehyung perks an eyebrow at this. Yes, he got the home address, and photos of what the Parks had done- but shouldn’t there be more…? Taehyung was searching for reasons to keep seeing Jimin. Seokjin had also taken Taehyung’s phone so there was no way he could communicate with Jimin. He didn't even memorize Jimin’s number.

Once the car had pulled to a stop in front of the run-down building, Taehyung hopped out of the car and looked right at Seokjin.

“There’s still more to do, Seokjin.”

Seokjin only shook his head, “No, there isn’t. And now that we have all the information from you we can move to step 3. Taking Park Jimin and infiltrating their residence.”

Taehyung stood in shock, “What..? We’re kidnapping Jimin? Why I-i have all we need.”

Seokjin started walking away, hands behind his back.

“This was all part of the plan. It was in the file you were given.”

Taehyung just sat in utter silence, realizing what had just happened.


The open windows of his apartment were what woke Jimin awake from his slumber. The first thing he noticed was how Yoongi was gone at work… right.

Sitting up Jimin noticed the little sticky note to the right of his nightstand- written from Yoongi.

Hi Jiminie. I decided to let you sleep in, so don’t worry about anything. I had to leave for work. You cried yourself to sleep last night on the couch so I took you to your bed. I’m leaving back to America tonight for another week, I’m sorry, I know. Just hang in there. You have my number. -Yoongi

A small smile crept onto Jimin’s face. God, he loved Yoongi. He was such a good person towards Jimin.

And so Jimin rolled out of bed stretching once fully standing up.

Once his eyes had adjusted to the brightly lit room he approached the bathroom, grabbing some shorts and a sweatshirt beforehand.

Jimin glanced at the bathroom mirror, leaning against the counter.

His eyes were red and puffy from crying. His cheeks were stained from tears, and his hair a tousled mess.

He looked like death itself.

Sighing heavily, he ran his hand through the now faded blond-ish blue hair.

Once completely changed Jimin headed out of his bathroom and to the kitchen where he got a bowl of cereal and milk.

It was currently 9:37 am.

Jimin finished eating his cereal now wanting to watch some TV to distract his mind from the previous night’s events.

But before he had the chance to sit down, there was a creaking sound behind him and just as Jimin started turning around he was knocked out.

A pretty blonde man was now unconscious on the floor in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook had been ordered to bring the boy back to headquarters, but unsure of how to handle taking Jimin there Jungkook had decided to just hit him in the head with a bat.


Well, now that step one was completed he just needed a way to carry the light man outside and to the car without drawing attention.

It was 9:51 now, and the rush-hour traffic was sure to set in.

God, he has to hurry.

So Jungkook begrudgingly carries the limp body out the door, and to his car in such a manner people watching would just assume Jimin was drunk or something. It was perfect.

Jungkook shut the door to his shiny black car and hopped in the front, stepping on the gas.

Soon enough he was speeding on the highway and on his way to headquarters.


Jimin just can't catch a break ig

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