16. Blue Mochi

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Taehyung couldn't stop tossing and turning in his bed. Just thinking about Jimin made his stomach erupt in butterflies. He shouldn’t have pushed him away before, now he regrets it.

But on the other hand, his job is his life. Working for Mr. Hall saved him from his dirty life on the streets. He can’t just let Mr. Hall down like that. Especially not for some boy.

But Park Jimin wasn’t just some boy. Park Jimin was… God, how do you even describe him? From his Ashe Blonde hair that fell swiftly over his forehead and his eyes to his bright pink lips and his crescent-eye smile.

Just snap out of it Taehyung. He’s only a task.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by his phone dinging- someone texted him.

Hey, so I thought about what you said at the cafe. I’m willing to rekindle my relationship with my parents, and I would like to ask you to come with me.

Great! And I’d love to join you for dinner at their house.

Yeah, don’t worry about it. I called them and told them we’d be there by 6 tomorrow so be ready. And dress in your nicest clothes- do you have any?

Er no. But I will be okay :)

No, you won’t. My parents are stupid rich. I’ll buy you some clothes before we go tomorrow, ok?

You don’t have to do that-

Nope. It’ll be fun! I’ll just pick you up at 2 pm tomorrow to go to the mall.

Sounds like a plan. And thank you :)

Night lovely

(Not sent)

Okay if Taehyung was breathing before, he most definitely isn’t now. There’s no denying it. He’s whipped for a tiny man named Park Jimin.


It was now the next day (IDK what day I haven’t been keeping track) and Taehyung was straightening out the black blazer he had tucked into his tight leather pants, matched with his nice brown shoes. His hair was pulled up into a black curly bun with some strands shaping his face. He looked stunning.

He didn’t want Jimin to come to his apartment near his headquarters afraid something would go wrong. He didn’t know, but he told Jimin he would prefer to be picked up two blocks away from his apartment. Luckily for him, Jimin was right on time pulling up in his nice blue two-seater.

Jimin parked the car by the corner and stepped out.

Holy fuck.

His hair was now a blue shade, swept in front of his eyes. He had cross earrings dangling from his ears and a small silver necklace. Jimin was also wearing a white t-shirt with a black blazer buttoned in front. Paired with the shirt were black suit pants and sharp black combat boots.

He wasn’t looking like the cute little mochi he had before. He looked like someone took his personality and flipped it inside-out.

Not to mention he also had Coach sunglasses perked on his nose.

Taehyung tried not to drool, but that was becoming a task near impossible. Taehyung just can’t wrap his head around the duality of the man that is Park Jimin. One second he’s a cute baby in white with a skirt, next thing he looks like a greek god.

Send help.

“Well let’s go Tae, my parents won’t wait forever.” Jimin’s voice was like an angel’s, delicate and soft. While his looks just gave off a different vibe right now.

“Lead the way, darling,” Taehyung says, gliding past Jimin, noticing how faint blush spread on his face. Taehyung smirked, something about getting Jimin like this just made butterflies erupt in his gut.

Once they were both in the car, Taehyung in the passenger’s seat and Jimin in the driver’s, Jimin looked right at Taehyung.

“Taetae, I’m pretty nervous. I haven't seen my folks in forever, and last time I left they said some pretty scarring things to me.'' Jimin started, not seeing how the nickname affected the taller. Yet a wave of relief washed over Taehyung hearing his Jimin call him the pet name. He forgot how Long it’d been since he had uttered the words.

“Jiminie, we can do this together. I want you to share your words with your parents. I want you to have a good relationship with them. For me, for us.” Taehyung reached over and held Jimin’s small hand, smiling at the younger.

Jimin, being the already flustered enough one he is, got flustered and pulled his hand away causing Taehyung to giggle.

“Don’t do that,” Jimin said, pouting. Taehyung only smiled and looked at Jimin’s side profile while they were driving. He was gorgeous. But deep down, Taehyung knew that once this whole thing was over, Jimin would most likely be locked up at headquarters or forced to go off-grid. Once Mr. Hall was done with his parents, of course. But Taehyung sort of… regretted accepting this mission. He liked Jimin, as a person and as a friend. Even more than that. How could you not? There was just this serendipitous feeling when he talked to Jimin. Just peaceful, knowing Jimin was listening. Listening and processing what was being said, unlike Taehyung’s companions who only got mad at him for getting them sidetracked. God, Taehyung really couldn’t help smiling thinking of Jiminie. Just his smile, his flirtatious persona, the way his eyes turned to crescent moons when he smiled-

“What are you smiling about?”

Shit. He dozed off.

“Uh.. nuh-nothing.”

Wow, Jimin was going to need to get used to seeing a flustered Taehyung. The scene made him smirk, soon starting to giggle. Taehyung only pouts turning to face the road ahead of him.

Jimin notices this and acts accordingly, playfully punching Taehyung’s arm.

"Oh calm down, you big baby. I'm just joking."

Taehyung couldn't hold it back anymore, and he too began to laugh.

This would be the cutest moment if only one wasn’t nearly about to turn the car around due to his nerves meeting his parents and the other was just trying to think of excuses to tell his boss about the delay.

tea is about to be spilled yall

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