By The Water Fountain P3

431 4 1

Summary: Having unrequited love for your best friend wasn't exactly your plan, but you can't always help who you fall for... especially when that someone was Peter Benjamin Parker.

Requested: Yes

Word Count: 4.4k

Warning(s)?: Angst, F!Reader, Fluff, Swearing (a little).


By The Water Fountain

The next few months had flown by quickly, you and Brad had been dating almost 3 months now and he made you happy each and every day. On the first date, he bought you flowers and held doors open for you, a perfect gentleman. of course, over time that stopped but you didn't mind much, you both were growing comfortable together, finding a rhythm. He'd hold your hand in the hallways and kiss your cheek before parting ways from you to class. He started picking you up in his car and took you to and from school, even staying after school to watch you rehearse.

How did you get so lucky?

The loneliness lessened, though never went away completely. Wants Brad dropped you home, everything came rushing back. The big, empty house, quiet hallways and dark rooms unoccupied. Sadness and loneliness hit you each time you walked back through the front door. Brad helped with it during school, but outside of that it was still there, a sickly reminder of how unimportant you were for your parents. You knew they loved you, but it felt sometimes as if they loved their job more.

Peter hasn't spoken to you since the fight, you thought in time he would come around and apologise and there were moments where he looked like he was close too, but something seemed to get in the and he'd take off. Eventually he seemed to stop trying, especially when Brad was growing attached to your hip.

Your heart broke, a part of is still broken because you'll always be madly in love with Peter. You couldn't help it, you tried to move on but you weren't able to fully let him go.

''Something on your mind?'' Brad sits in the chair beside you in the cafeteria, Ned and Peter no longer sitting opposite you at the table.

''Just stressed with finals, I'm looking forward to spring break though'' You responded with a fake smile, leaning onto Brad as his arms snaked around your shoulders.

''Speaking of, Liz is holding a party at hers tonight, we should go'' The idea sounded appealing, Brad had managed to bring you out of your shell more. You even developed a couple of friends from Brad's social group.

''Okay'' Brad smiled down at you and pecked your lips before returning back to his food, removing his arm from your shoulder.


You stood in front of your full length mirror in your bedroom, admiring the black dress you wore with the black heels to match. You hair was straightened and parted in the middle, a simple makeup look with gloss as the finishing touches for your outfit. Brad arrived not too long later and picked you, speeding off towards the party.

The smell of sweaty bodies and alcohol hung in the air and greeted you once the front door opened to liz's home. You dismissed the smell and followed Brad over to his friends, saying hi to them all before accepting a drink from your boyfriend. An hour went by quickly, three drinks later and Brad took you to the dance floor and swayed with you to the music. A light buzz was coursing through your body, leaving you smiling like crazy.

Brad pulled you in by your hips and pecked your lips sweetly, swaying your body along with his in sync.

Across the room stood Ned and Peter, Ned was talking with MJ as Peter stood with an untouched drink in his hand, eyes on you. They never left since you arrived, he wanted to so badly talk to you, he's been trying to for months but something always came up with his duties. He knew things would be easier if you just knew but he wasn't going to place you in danger, he couldn't.

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