-(15) i do not want to lose you

Start from the beginning

He dips down again onto the pulse point of her neck, biting and kissing, making her writhe and squirm.

"Draco- god, I- I'm going to come again."

She can pratically feel his smirk against her skin but she doesn't care about how she's boosting his ego at that moment. All she feels is her orgasm arriving down on her with her whole body. It ripples out, leaving her high and dazed but she tries to maintain focus as she wanted to watch him come too.

She cups his cheeks with one hand while stroking his hair with the other- fondly watching him enjoying her.

"Draco-", she gasps as he increases his pace.

"Is it okay? Do I need to-"

"No. No", she mumbles out quick.

"I'm.. oh, fuck. I'm close. I'm going to pull out, alright? Brace yourselves", he tells her, going to lean back up

She reaches for his chin and makes him look at her before he could. "Don't."


"I'll take the potion."

"It's..fuck- ugh, it's hard to get."

"I'll ask Pansy. She's sure to have to it", she tells him quickly in between her heavy pants.

"Alright", he mumbles as he fills her up in that very instant. "Fuck. Oh, Merlin."

She watches him reveling in his high with the utmost entertainment. He opens his eye and stares at her, out of focus but still ever so fondly that she seemed to melt beneath him.

He brings his forehead down onto her's and they linger like that for a minute, trying to get their breathing normalised. Then, he pulls out of her, slowly and carefully, and plops down beside her.

"Wow- that was..wow", Draco speaks.

"Yeah..It was."

"It was your first though", he turns to her.

She too rolls onto her side. "Well your ego is going to skyrocket with this but still I think you deserve to know that it was the best first I could've ever possibly had."

He chuckles. "I had experience in my favor, I must say."

She can't help but grow curious. "How many girls?"

He raises his eyebrow at her- she has come to realise she really likes it when he does that. "You really want to know my body count?"

"Come on!"

"Alright. Alright. Five.. or perhaps six, I think."

"You think?"

"Well, I don't exactly remember. And my mind is still reeling for me to try and place it correctly."

"Right..", she mumbles, turning onto her back. She didn't think it would make her jealous but it does, just that little bit- of all the girls who got to have him before she did.

"Hey.." It was like he picked upon it and his voice is the softest she has ever heard it as he continues. "You were the best.. and the only one that did actually matter to me. Look at me, Zilliah." She obeys. "I didn't even care about any of them. Hell, I don't even properly remember their names. But this, you- I do care, more than I want to."

"You don't have to- it's alright. I don't feel bad", she starts but he hushes her by pressing his lips against her's.

"I didn't say any of that to flatter you", he whispers in between. "It's the truth. And I've been hiding from it for quite a while.. but, now that I have you, I do not want to lose you."

She smiles, her heart fond. "Draco, I see no reason you should."

He smiles back at her and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Her heart grows so fucking warm and a tear unexpectedly comes rolling out her eye and she chuckles against him before kissing him more fondly. She then snuggles into his chest and places a kiss right where his heart. "You're right. You really are a human furnace."

"I told you, didn't I?", he chuckles. So does she.

Before she gets too comfortable, she gets up, wrapping the covers around her as she does.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

She points to the restroom and he blushes- she has never seen him blush and she thinks it's just the cutest thing ever.

And when she returns, he had already slipped into his boxers and put a cleaning charm on the sheets. As she walks upto him, he pulls her closer by the waist and removes the cover off of her. Then, he presses his lips down onto her shoulders before slipping her into one of his own sweaters.

It's too big on her, reaching below her knees and the sleeves being double her arm length but he says it makes her look even more adorable.

She could get used to this Draco, she thinks. Soft and caring. She likes it so much.

Then, he lifts her onto the bed and gets in himself, pulling the sheets over them.

"You..want to sleep here, right?" His face goes uncomfortable as he asks this.

"Of course, Draco. I don't want to leave", she assures him, pressing their lips together briefly.

He smiles- that genuine smile she has seen so many times tonight and it just makes her so happy. He brings his lips onto her nose and kisses the tip of it. "Goodnight, Zilliah", he mumbles.

"Goodnight", she whispers back, doubting whether all this was just a dream for it seemed way too good for her.

But then he pulls her to his chest as close as he can and wraps his arm around her ever so tightly, and that reassures her that the comfort she is getting is real and maybe, she does deserve it.

She smiles against him as she feels her mind slipping away and her body shutting down. The comfort he is offering her is enough and more to defeat her nemesis Sleep. He yields as she falls asleep almost instantly, hoping that the nightmares don't come tonight.


[ i'm too lonely for this shit-

and this was my first attempt at smut so im sorry if it is not good enough aka mind/eye murder

plus, if you know me in real life, NO YOU DON'T.

love y'all mwah <3 ]

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