anais smiled sheepishly and rested her chin in her palms. "okay i admit, i let it bother me."

"ana!" max groaned.

"i'm sorry! i'm used to people dressing like me and liking my style! so when i came here and everyone's wearing pastels and ruffles like a fucking pony i feel a bit out of place."

max raised a brow at her friend. "you? out of place? anais you've never fit in anywhere and that's why people loved you so much."

"wrong! that's why people loved the lead singer of some rock band. they loved my stage persona."

"in their defense it's not much different than who you are."

"max!" anais sighed, twisting on the bench to face the redhead.

"what?! that's a good thing. you're one of those girls with messy eyeshadow and septum piercings. you know, the incredibly hot ones who make people question their sexuality?"

anais have a teasing smile. "are you speaking from experience?"

"shut your mouth."

anais only smiled at max which made the girl blush again.

"anyways," max sighed, "fuck mike. literally don't listen to anything he says, don't listen to anything any boy says. they're all stupid."

"never heard a sentence so true." anais smiled. she held her hand up to max and they began to do the handshake they made up in california that one night.

"you know what you need?" max asked.

"a gun?" anais replied, looking at some older guy who stared at the two girls. "my security to do their job so i don't have to punch people in the face myself?"

max laughed. "all of those things yes but a sleepover more importantly."

anais smiled and flung her arms over max's shoulders, pulling the girl into a warm hug. "yes oh my god please. i need some human girl interaction."

"me too," max sighed, "the only other girl in the friend group moved to maine over the summer and it's been rough ever since. like i love the guys but sometimes i just need a break, y'know?"

ana nodded and laughed. "i've lived with two teenage boys the last three years. i definitely know."

"good," max smiled. "your place or mine?"

"mine. no parents, very loud stereos and.." anais leaned closer and whispered the last part of what she wanted to say, "weed."

max nodded frantically and the girls squealed, talking about all they were going to do that night.


"jesus, what's taking them so long?" dustin groaned, leaning against the wall.

"you don't know?" lucas asked.

he shook his head. "no, what is it?"

he laughed a little before answering. "mike had to go to the nurse to get need bandages for his nose cause anais almost broke it."

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