When I turned the corner, I was met with no surprises.

Pat laying on his back on the carpet, hoisting up our 3 year old daughter Charlotte Anne Cripps, as her infectious laughter filled my ears. Her loud giggles softened the room, bringing joy to my life every time I heard them. And her smile so similar to Pat's, how could you not love her.

Barely sitting up, beside Pat as he mucked around with Charlotte was her younger brother Hugo Robert Cripps. Fresh off of his first birthday, he too cackled infectiously.

I stood for a minute, watching as he played with both of them, loving them more than anything else in this world. He was the best Dad.

My transformation to 'Mummy' has cracked my heart open and then pulled every ounce of vulnerability that I have out of it; every bit of love, every bit of passion. It has helped me become a better, happier, more tired version of myself.

But as beautifully life-affirming as it has been for me to assume the role of 'Mum', it has been equally life-affirming to see Pat assume the role of 'Dad' to our children so naturally, so happily.

I love seeing them play together. I love hearing him teach them about things. I love watching him watch over them with pride. And, I love eavesdropping when he talks with them.

He is no longer just the man I fell in love with all those years ago. He is now, also, the father to my children. I'm so proud of him, and I'm proud of what we're building together every day.

And I suspect I'll feel that way for the rest of my life.

After reflecting soppily on the life we had built together, I made myself known to them all, walking further into the room.

Pat quickly looked up at me, placing Charlotte down beside him and pointing toward me.

"Look who's home!" He announced excitedly as Charlotte looked around the room. Once her eyes fell on me, her face lit up. Bouncing up from her seat on the floor and running over to me.

"Mummy!" She yelled, jumping into my arms and throwing her two little arms around my neck. I hugged her tightly, appreciating the love while I could get it. Before she grew into a moody teenager who was too cool for her Dad and I.

Taking my eyes off of her for a split second, I saw Pat approaching with Hugo in his arms. The two of them came over, Pat getting Hugo excited to see me which he definitely seemed to be. A wide smile plastered on his blossoming face as he pointed me out.

"Hi!" I gleamed with enthusiasm as I placed a kiss on my little boys cheek. Then repeating the favour with Pat as he leaned down to kiss me.

Only seconds after we were pulled apart by Charlotte who put her hand between our faces. She couldn't go a second without some attention from her parents.

"Hey!" Pat reacted to the hand being shoved in his mouth. It was met with lots more giggles from Charlotte who chose to continue being cheeky.

I placed her down to keep playing with her Dad while I started preparing to leave the house.

"How was your day?" Pat asked me, finally getting a moment away from Charlotte to properly greet me.

He placed two hands on my cheeks, pulling me in and kissing me softly. The fireworks still there after 8 years together.

"It was good. How was yours?" I replied as I went to find Charlotte again, trying to catch her to put her Blues jumper on.

"Not bad. Besides when Hugo spat his breakfast all over the floor. But don't worry the dogs licked it up" He joked, knowing it would get a reaction out of me.

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