Whenever I pictured my life, I always imagined ending up back in the country. Doing something to do with agriculture, living it up with someone I loved.

Hopefully with a few kids running around. But I always knew it was going to be hard to find someone who allowed themselves to get away from the city.

Someone like Georgia.

Before we were together, we even had discussions about how hard it would be to find someone who wanted the same things. It wasn't everyone's first choice.

That's why it made so much sense that we now wanted that life, only with one another.

I just had to open up to her. Myself in particular was very bad at it, especially when it came to important things like this. But I knew I had to do it now. Because if not now, when?

She needed to know how much she meant to me. And maybe even add that label or word we had been treading carefully around since the start.

I sat there, my gaze directly on her as Josh encouraged from beside. Then she looks my way, just as she wipes the sweat off her forehead. I avert her gaze, but she doesn't let it go.

Now I had to go over there. But I know I probably could have stood there for hours.

I can feel my heartbeat in my ears, it had become a part of the routine each time I saw her. That feeling I believed would never go away, and I was okay with that.

Strolling over to the pair of them, I picked up two big buckets of water on my way. Not wanting them to know that I was spying on them.

I dropped them off right beside her, and she stood up and dusted herself off. Looking at me suspiciously, I should have known she'd caught me in the act.

"You were staring quite a bit back there" She laughed, prompting my younger brother to taunt me.

"I was not staring, just observing" I responded.

"If that's what we're calling it now" Josh joked, walking away from the two of us as we inched closer. She smiled into the kiss initially. To my detriment, she found his joke funny.

I then reached my arms around her back, accepting that her dirty gloves would end up all over me. Her hands fell behind the back of my neck, as her head rested on my shoulder.

"Having fun?" I asked her as we pulled away.

"Tons of it" She replied, full of enthusiasm. She then proceeded to show me how full her bucket was. Obviously very proud of how much she had collected.

I bent down to look at it closely, even more impressed with her work.

"You've actually done really well. I thought you might-" I started my sentence, but never got to finish as the freezing cold water rushed down my body.

Soaking through every part of my clothes and hair, my skin felt the shivers. I shook out my hair quickly, just like a dog would. My mop of hair now out of my eyes so I could see who had poured it on me.

Turning around slowly was the right move. Creating suspense and getting a rise out of her. I heard a silent squeal as I began turning around, knowing I was coming for her.

When I finally faced her, her hands were up to her mouth, pretending biting on her nails in fear. The rest of her face grimaced at my state.

"Oops?" She shrugged, hoping I would let it go. But she had started a war.

"Oops? Is that all you have to say" I joked, gesturing towards my dripping body.

Josh remerged and stopped in his tracks as he saw me, cracking up into a fit of laughs. Georgia spun around to face Josh, leaving her back to me. Something she would later regret.

Always You || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now