Wouldn't Change A Thing

Start from the beginning

We watched students starting to come out from different places and Duncan started to become tensed once again as he pulled his jacket a bit further up to cover his features more while also letting me guide him away to less crowded places, but our attempt to sneak away was in vain as people started to notice us gradually.

Seems like words travel faster than it seems.

"Hey, hey look! There's the guy!"

"There he is!"

They are cheering?

"You're awesome, dude! Awesome!" I heard someone said from the crowd, which I was sure that it was Bill from our music club from that hat he always wear.

Some people were clapping as they looked at Duncan and just then, a girl shoved past me and gave Duncan a quick smooch on the cheek, making me utterly speechless. Then, she quickly ran away, giggling like a crazy fan girl she was.

Seriously? I was just standing here, dude.

Duncan was even more startled than I was at what just happened as he stood there with wide eyes. Before I could ask him if he was alright, another hand appeared from behind me and shoved Duncan in the face, making him fall to the ground. Troy snickered as he watched Duncan look up at him while I glaring daggers at him. "Freak," Troy said as he turned to me and was about to warp his arm around me, but I was quick enough to shove him back in the face, pushing him away into one of his lackey's arms as I turned to Duncan who was still on the floor.

"You okay, Duncan? Seems like you've taken the spotlight today," I said, helping him up onto his feet and Duncan let out a sigh which rather seemed to be quite a relieved sigh as he gave me a weak smile.

"At least Troy still hates me. I was afraid I'd lost my mind," he said jokingly, making me laugh in return.
I wiped his cheek a little and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek where that girl from earlier ago did. Yea, I would be lying if I say I wasn't jealous for one bit when she did that earlier ago.
"Now that's better," I mumbled and Duncan grinned sheepishly as he touched the spot where I kissed him. "Now, I'm pretty sure I'm still sane," he commented, making me giggle.

Just when we were about to walk away, we heard someone gasped loudly near us, drawing our attention. "Look there he is!" Duncan and I turned around to see a guy staring at us while pointing his finger at us while another guy with a pair of glasses who was talking to Isabel turned around to look at us. He gasped and ran up to us with the other guy doing the same.
"We just want to say what you did...wow," the guy said, making Duncan confused while I turned to Isabel who was shaking her head as she walked up to me.
"What were you telling them just now that everyone's giving their attention to Duncan?" I whispered, motioning my head towards the two guys who were now asking if they could take a picture with Duncan, making him uncomfortable.

I pulled Isabel with me as I went behind him and made an eye contact with the two, signaling them that it was enough for today. They got the point and held their hands out together in front of them as they gave Duncan apologetic smiles and went away.
"What's up, superstar?" Isabel spoke up, drawing Duncan's attention back to us.
"This is nuts," Duncan sighed as the three of us started walking down the hallways. "What were you telling those two just now?" he asked to Isabel who smiled happily as she looked at him.
"Just about how you got Belloc's attention, lured him away from the party and saved their skins," she said, making me rose a brow. "Well, I know you said you have it under control. But I didn't think it would be this effective on...everyone," I said, eyeing on the girls we passed who were all fangirling head to toes for Duncan now. "Words travel fast, (n/n)," Isabel said with a giggle as she winked at me, making me shake my head.

"Yea, me neither. Thanks, I guess...Speaking of skins, I kind of thought everyone wold be freaked out by this," Duncan said, tugging on his jacket to slightly reveal his neck once again. We stopped by the rail, leaning onto it for a short chat.
"Haven't you heard? Scaly is the new suede," Isabel said, she also leaned onto the rail like us beside Duncan. "You see, when Belloc nailed you with the fire breath, your skin got all weird," she said with a wink, making me smile.

"Well, well, I'm impressed," I said in a teasing tone and Isabel laughed as she looked at me, "Why, thank you, princess," she said, making me roll my eyes. Just then, I saw Jenna from the corner of my eyes at downstairs and was about to call her, but I stopped when I saw Jenna's usual friends who always hang out with her, giving her nasty looks and walking away from her. And Jenna seems a lot more less cheerful compared to usual. Okay, something's odd.
"Umm...I gotta go. I'll catch you later," I said and jumped down towards the ground floor like the other day, not waiting for Duncan and Isabel's reply as I immediately started going after Jenna who sighed as Troy blocked her way towards with a flirty smile. "Hey Jenna."
"Leave," Jenna said as she moved his hand that was blocking her way and continued to walk away. Then, I spotted Troy's lackeys from the other day chilling around in the corner with the latest Mp3 players and earphones that was released not too while ago. Okay...those things are expensive and basically, hard to buy that even for me. How did they even manage to buy that?

I continued to run after Jenna, but Troy spotted me as that annoying smile on his face came back once again and he tried to block my way as well. "Not now, Troy boy," I snapped and he flinched at the stern tone in my voice as he moved away mumbling what's up with women today. I continued to walk down the hallways, trying as best as I can to catch up with Jenna.


Duncan stood back straight as he put his hand in his pocket and touched the certain red crystal which he's been meaning to give it to the (h/c) girl who just told Troy off as she rushed to follow after Jenna

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Duncan stood back straight as he put his hand in his pocket and touched the certain red crystal which he's been meaning to give it to the (h/c) girl who just told Troy off as she rushed to follow after Jenna. "I'm still here," Isabel hummed amusingly at Duncan who's been staring after (Y/n) ever since she jumped down to follow Jenna.

Isabel smirked when the boy blushed as he was caught staring after her best friend.
He cleared his throat, obviously flustered. "Umm...I'll catch you later, Isabel. I-I just there's something I got to do," Duncan said with a smile as he started to walk away before he started to run towards the stairs that leads to downstairs as well while Isabel chuckled as she watched him rush his way to his locker, "Boy, isn't he smitten?"

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