They were supposed to protect each other so how did they end up in this situation? Was this all Y/n's fault? Could she have protected him better?

The alleyway was dimly lit by green exit signs and reflecting lights of the busy street feet away. Passers-by walked with bored faces, hovering umbrellas over their heads in an attempt to keep dry. The ground was flooded with water, all flowing down the alleyway towards a figure, unseen by the people of Yorknew, kneeling over into itself.

Y/n cried into the bloody body of her friend, grasping at the collar of his shirt, pulling his cold body close to her own in an attempt to warm him up. The struggle was fruitless though because his heartbeat was slowing, ever getting weaker. The heavens mourned alongside her, heavy rains washing the blood down the drains and drowning out her screams. No one heard her cries.

"Why?" he struggled to speak, blood filling his lungs, "why me?" Tears and rain ran down his pale face.

"Everything will be okay Togari," Y/n sobbed, clinging onto him, wrapping her arms around him, pulling him into a hug. She held on tight afraid if she let go, he'd leave.

Someone would come. Surely someone heard the gunfire, someone heard her screams. It was impossible not to, but in reality, they were not heard, and no one was coming. She couldn't call anyone because Togari is involved with many groups and asking for their help is not possible. It's a code of honour in the community to die and it is taboo to help or ask for help.

She loosened her hold on his body and the blood started to flow heavily once more. The fear shot into his eyes when he could no longer feel her beside him. His body started to go limp and the shine in his eyes darkened. Quickly she replaced pressure on the bullet wound.

"You told me you'd never leave me," she cried. Painfully she watched him exhale one last time. The promise...

Gentilly, Y/n placed his head down on the cold concrete, closing his blank eyes. The cold rain of Yorknew poured over the girl, hiding her tears. Somehow, she felt comforted by its presence, the rain providing her with a sort of shelter from her own grief.

She threw her head towards the sky, letting the water wash her face of emotion. She lightly laughed towards nothing in particular, pushing back the hair on her face. She sighed, reaching into her pocket, shakily pulling out a flip phone, and scanning the two contacts before selecting "Raijin".

The phone rang once before a man picked up the call, "Black room."

Her grip around the phone tightened, "the Carrier, he's dead. Someone shot him."

Silence filled the other side of the call.

"Yorknew City, back lanes," she said before hanging up, sliding the flip phone back into her pocket.

The girl placed a hand over Togari's heart, "You got yourself into some serious shit, huh?" Her lips quivered, but she bit down on them to stop herself. A big sigh escaped her lips, and she chuckled to herself, thinking back to all the dumb shit he's pulled in the past. Getting high accidentally at 12 defiantly takes the cake. Though, getting involved with smuggling narcotics is a close second.

But she was one to talk. She got involved with narcotics a year before him. Being a runner was all she could really remember from when she was younger. That and beingripped from the hands of a gentle touch.

Y/n sat there for hours, reminiscing about the past before being interrupted by a voice coming from behind her. "Y/n?" She turned around to face a boy, similar to her age. His silver hair was messy, a couple of strands falling on his face and his eyes emitted a cold blue.

She stood up and bowed slightly, "Mr. Zoldyck," greeting him respectfully, "I didn't think you'd come here yourself."

He hummed, "I wouldn't have, but my father asked me to so I couldn't say no, could I? And don't address me so formally, it's weird."

"I see."

His eyes trailed past hers to the corpse laid on the concrete behind the girl.

"That him?" he motioned over to Togari's dead body. Y/n nodded. The boy bent down and examined him, looking at the bullet hole piercing through his chest. "I didn't expect him to be young," he stated, his face remaining blank. Y/n stayed quiet for a moment, "he's the same age as me, 20, so two years older than you sir."

He huffed, "Yeah, yeah whatever. I assume you guys were close judging by how you are so quick to defend him."

She hummed, looking over his features. He earned himself some pretty nasty scars over the years and he's always had this crazy look in his eyes. What she loved most about Togari was how driven and passionate he was about his goals. He never turned down a fight, and when he did lose, he would train and challenge them again.

"Yeah, he was my family."

Mr. Zoldyck got up and signalled her to do the same, "you'll come with us for now. We have to spread the information to the other syndicates and then we'll figure out what to do from there." She nodded and followed him back to a car that would likely take her to the Zoldyck Family estate.

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