"About time right? We should've beat her ex's ass for what he did to her." Jimin responded and Taehyung sits up straight on the couch. His brows furrowed as he took in what he said.

"What...did her ex do to her?"

He then turns his gaze to me and I bite on my lip feverishly. I hadn't told Tae about what happened between me and my ex simply because I forgot all about him. At first, it was too painful to even bring his name up in conversations, and later on, I just became numb.

So numb from the repeated memory of him at that restaurant with her. I kept replaying the good ones we shared while together, trying to figure out what happened. Trying to figure out why am I such damaged goods.

I tried reading between every line and found nothing. He made sure to protect his secret until he was ready. Until he was ready to break my heart.

Jimin looked at me then at Tae and shuffled in his seat. It's not his story to tell but it doesn't really matter now since it's in the past. Time for a clean slate.

"I was with this guy for a long time. We were in love, or at least I was and I thought that we would get married after college. Just before senior year, our anniversary came up and I made reservations to go to a restaurant to celebrate. What I didn't know was that he wanted to come clean about having an affair behind my back and he was choosing her over me."

I stared into the distance recalling a fuzzy memory. Only now it's fuzzy because I don't dwell on it like I used to.

"Yeah and then she went through this whole little depression. Started talking about she doesn't believe in love." Sky cooed, wrapping an arm over my shoulder and reeling me in close to her. "But we all know Noelle is such a simp."

"You're the biggest fucking simp here Sky," Jimin uttered and Jungkook slapped his shoulder while the two laughed.

Sky glared at them. "Does anyone remember when I asked him for his opinion? Me neither." She flicked him the middle finger and he stuck his tongue out.

"Hey, no fighting in Noelle's house or no one gets dessert." Jin waves a large knife in his hand. He was prepping the food in the kitchen this whole time not really caring what we were discussing. Jin scolds us like we are actually his kids and it's funny to watch.

Taehyung stood quiet only sliding back down on the couch and rolling his tongue in his mouth. But when it came to Jungkook and Jimin his smile was to his ears and his laughter could be heard from each point of the wall. No longer looking like the guy who just rearranged my guts.

The pain slowly came back and my legs begin to twitch and shake. I still hadn't moved from the door, leaning against the wall instead of sliding down it like I so badly wanted to. I'm sure they're gonna leave the questions for the dinner table so I thank them at least for that.

"Noelle." Jungkook drags my name out with a pout. I find my strength to walk to the living room. There dramatically sprawled out on the sofa were Jimin and Jungkook moaning and groaning. Pretending to be bored out of their minds.

"You got any games? I'm bored." He pouts again, this time his eyes got bigger and his fingers drew shapes on the armrest. I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly walking over—or limping—and bent down in front of the tv and turned on my PlayStation.

That way the kiddos have something to distract themselves with. As the tv turned on you could see the reflection of it in Jungkook's bright eyes. Then I went over to the island and sat in between Hoseok and Mina who were all watching Jin cook.

Hobi looks me up and down with a knowing gaze before he chuckles and shakes his head. I frowned and gazed around to see Mina biting her lips whistling aimlessly and Jin way too focused on the food. All things pointing in being unusual. I cocked my head and squinted.

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