I want-5

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I don't know what I am doing anymore. I want to be seen but also not want so much attention.

I want to know what makes people happy that all they can do is smile.I mean they have a right to smile. I just want to know what could be that good to make them smile so much that it feels like your face is going to fall off.

I want to cry but most of the times I push them away after a couple of tears or nothing comes out and all I can do is yell in my pillow so nobody hears.

I want to be great and make people proud of me and tell me I am doing something good with my life I want to be congratulated

I want to be away from all assistance so I can be me. So I find my self maybe find the little boy or girl/them. That I use to be and answer there questions of why everything went down hill. Tell them why they got pushed away.

I want to trust but people fucked that up for me maybe if I didn't ever trust them I would still have the ability to trust and let people in and let Down all my walls.

I want to accept compliments you could tell be I am the most beautiful goddess you have ever seen. And I would say thank you but I would still think that they are lying just to make me feel good in my own skin. or maybe they were paid to say that and IT'S ALL A SICK LIE.

But what you want might not always come to you sometime you have to get what you want your self or get something close to it.most likely you won't get it at all.

You can want all you won't it might not always come to you.

Ps. I can't find her

✨pomes✨ I just want to be free Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя