hey little....

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Dear little..... (Boy or girl). I'm sorry you got pushed away I know you are so lost and confused But so am I.

I wonder what you would think about me know. I can already hear some of your questions.

What happened to us?

Did the family get better or worse?

Where is all your friends?

Why don't you smile?

Why are we still sad I thought as we got older we would be happier?

Is the world still scary?

I tried to save as much as our childhood as possible. When we were little we thought friends were everything.

But friend are everything I want to have a trillion friends

Well I don't people who you think are your friends with talk behind your back and cus you nothing but heartache.

You don't want to be in this world hell I don't want to be here .

If I ever do met you I wonder if you would be disappointed in me and not like what I became today.

I am falling apart again

We are falling apart again

If I am being honest I have not been feeling it lately I can't to bo anything but laying in my bed.

So I understand if you stop reading my book.  See you next time

Kiss kiss bye

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