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I just can't hold it anymore it's getting to heavy. I want to smile I want to trust I want to feel other emotions other than sadness and loneliness

When I smile I get questioned why I am smiling. That one thing would just make me stop smiling. When I have no emotions on my face they tell me to smile but I always say what is there to smile about.

I don't want to be here I never asked to be here. I want to be free from my life from every and everyone.

They ask me what's wrong but I will never tell. But I know one day my anger will take over me and I am going to have a breakdown. I am trying to hold on. Most days I don't feel any maybe a smile here and there so I don't get asked what's wrong.

What does it feel to be happy honestly what can make you so happy that you just can't stop smiling. I want to be happy and feel ok but it's not that easy. I am so close to falling apart I can't handle it they say everyone has a meaning in life what is mine why am I HERE.

✨pomes✨ I just want to be free Where stories live. Discover now