thunderstorms and God

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When I feel any type of sadness emotion I feel my Brain shake

And I can hear the sound of thunder in my head. I guess because there's so much Dark clouds in my head full of rain or tears.

That want to break lose, but if it does it might be a thunderstorm or a flood of my tears

Why is sadness, depressed, anxiety, pain, hurt, upset, unloved , lost , vulnerable , weak
A feeling why are those feelings necessary.

At this point I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse that I am alive. I don't love alot of people but it seems when I do they ether

Leave me, hurt me, change, or Die

And people say that Haven is above and hell is Down below.

I asked people if Haven is up and hell is Down so I said we must be hell but they said we must be in the middle

But who ever said anything about a middle between Haven and hell.

At this point how do we even know if Haven and hell is real

And then people say let God handle things

The same god that handle slavery,

the same god who let world war go on,

The same god that let women get raped and killed,

the same god that let people hate each other cuz of their culture race name or background.

Why is life so hectic
Why am I here
am I being punished

There's so many questions I have but I never seem to find a answer.

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