my Questions needs answers-6

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I have questions
Did they hurt you?, did they touch you?, are you hurting?,why don't you love me?,are you alone?
, I have more questions. Why don't you believe me they touch me they hurt me. I am pleading for help they bruised me.THEY TOOK A PIECE OF ME that I cant get no more they touched you they hurt you.

Do you still love me? No you going to say no after all we went through you promised said when no one else is around you will be there you lie to me and I believe you you made me think love was real.

I am hurting but I won't ask for help Why why why? I will get though it I will help myself or maybe I won't. Maybe I don't need YOU OR YOU OR YOU I don't want help it makes me fell weak go I don't want your love now. You broke me.

Are you alone I have no one I gave them up for you and now I am here all alone laying in my tears

My Questions needs answers before I cry
My Questions needs answers before I Die I said my Question needs answers
My Questions
My Questions
My Questions.

✨pomes✨ I just want to be free Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum