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Who would want me...

I am stupid, ugly, a disgrace, idiotic, fat, Worthless,

Well that's what I am told I never thought I was any of those words until
now. But they are only a few words

I used to look in a mirror and be so happy and loved the way I looked.

But know all I see is this ugly, fat Worthless human. Soon as I look in a mirror my stretch marks is the first thing I see immediately.

Well maybe you wouldn't have stretch marks it you stopped eating for once

I tried stopped eating and I ended up in the hospital why do you treat me like this

Beauty is pain that's what they say so if you end up in the hospital for a few days all well this is why no one wants to be around you. If you don't stop eating you will never be a model

But I don't don't want to be a model...

The next thing that stands out on my body is my arms...

Why do you have muscles and cuts on your arms. If you want to cut yourself I will give you a reason. You're a girl you shouldn't have muscles no wonder why you were long sleeves you're discussed with yourself more than me

Please stop I want to love myself stop saying these hurtful things...

My stomach is on the list to

Why on earth do you have a gut suck it in you look like a fat... Well there's no words to describe how atrocious you are

But I don't mind my gut...

My thighs,where when the list stop

Why are they so thick have you been cheating on the diet I gave you again nobody would want you to walk down there runway your just so fucki-


Don't listen to the other voices listen to me sweetheart. You're stretch marks makes you, you. You'r arm are great just the way they are your muscles tells people that you are not the one to fuck with.

You are not perfect yet don't listen to the voice you have a lot of work to be done to you and I mean a lot

Well for once you are right you are not perfect and never will be no one is no matter how much surgery or diets you do you will not come out perfect.

That's why you should love your imperfections.

I will accept my non perfectness because I'm perfect for myself


Love yourself I know it is hard when you are surrounded by people who don't care. Especially when you take care of others before your self

So I here by command you to try and treat yourself do what you like listening to so music, do some art, do a spa day

Do what makes you happy for once and try to put yourself first.

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