I just I -7

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I cry alot I don't like it I never did. Because it you cry you catch people attention. Which leads the questions.

I don't like the whole emotional thing I get judged so much if I haven't feelings and it hurts. I just want to cry without people looking at me and telling me to shut up or that I'm a cry baby or that I have too much feelings.

I smile alot and I enjoy but at least don't they tell me smiling is not going to help me feel better about myself.

I don't like it someone could walk in the room and smile and they will say they light up the whole room. But when I do it it's nothing but hatred it's nothing but questioning. it's nothing but why are you smiling, there's nothing to smile about, get that,ugly smile on your face.

I like to sing alot and I like it. but people don't all they do is bring me down and hurt me.I don't get it

I don't like it when they say I sound horrible. I could have the best Day of singing and someone could tell me I should give up I thought about it alot. Not even though I still think about it. Is my Dream worth all those things people say to me. Give up, stop trying, you'll never be great you suck, you're hurting my ears,you're horrible

I can't handle it the judgement, the hatred, the people, the world for goodness sake.

What has the world has come to I can't even say I remember when the world was good. It has been Bad no even bad. Horrible. Since I can remember.




I just don't know anymore I am trying but it's not enough I will never be enough.

✨pomes✨ I just want to be free Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang