Presence ♡

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9:00 am; May 11th

I woke up to sunlight pouring in the room due to the sheer curtains of the hotel room.

After we finished last night, Taiju and I had to muster up the strength to even get up and get ourselves and the bed cleaned.

It was a slow process, but we ended up doing what we needed to do before laying down for sleep.

I reached an arm back behind me to wake Taiju, only to be met with the feeling of the sheet on the bed. I rolled over and sat up, looking around the room.

And low and behold, Taiju was not, in fact, in the room.

I groaned as I got out of bed, the way too big button up dress shirt of Taiju's falling down my shoulders as I made my way to the bathroom to use it, brush my teeth, and wash my face.

After getting finished in the bathroom, I went to the corner where my dress was placed during clean up last night, and grabbed my handbag that was on top of it.

I opened my handbag and pulled my phone out, checking the notifications to see if Taiju had told me where he had gone off to this morning.

Nothing, but a few random notifications and messages that were not from Taiju, but were in fact from Yuzuha. I opened the messages that Yuzuha sent about thirty minutes ago.

"Hope you enjoyed your night last night. Leaving your friends in the dust like that :(" Yuzuha's message started. "Anyways, we have to leave back to Japan in a couple hours, so come get your stuff."

I finished reading Yuzuha's message before turning my phone off and figuring out how I was going to go get my stuff, but before I could do that, I heard the click of the door, which was followed by Taiju walking in.

And before I could gripe at Taiju, I noticed that he had some breakfast and coffee. I immediately swallowed down what I was going to say before morphing my features into a smug look.

Taiju side eyed me a bit as he went to set the food down on the bar table in the kitchen, looking behind himself after setting the stuff down only to be met with me making the same smug expression.

"Okay, you're creeping me out. What's that face for?" Taiju asked, turning away from the counter to be facing me.

I walked over to him as I shrugged. "Nothing, it's just that someone was oddly a bit submissive yesterday, and now that very someone is bringing me breakfast the next day. What? I turn you into the perfect malewife or something?" I teased.

Taiju scoffed, turning back towards the food to take it out so he wouldn't have to face me.

"You know good and damn well that it was because of the wine we had, and can I not be nice and get you breakfast?" Taiju stated. I stopped where Taiju was, standing beside him with my hands clasped behind my back, phone in said hands.

"Mhm, for someone who can so called "handle their alcohol", I find that hard to believe." I said, doing air quotes. Taiju rolled his eyes.

"Now you're making me wonder why I went out of my way to go get you something to eat." Taiju said. "That's easy." I started. "Because you love me." I finished, hugging Taiju around his waist from behind as he discarded the bag the food came in.

Which is true. Taiju does love me but he also hates it whenever I tease him, because most of the time, the teasing is accounted for which makes it even worse.

"Did Yuzuha send you any messages?" Taiju asked, changing the subject for his sake. I sat down at one of the barstools and Taiju did the same beside me. "Yeah. She reminded me that us and the guys had to leave today which sucks." I answered.

Taiju's Toy ♡ | *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now