Christmas night ♡

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A/N: (f/f) = favorite food


"Hello?" I said, as the man named Taiju kept walking closer to my view.

"Hi?" Taiju said, a hint of confusion can be heard in his voice. 'I mean, I don't blame him, imagine some random person saying hello to you like it's normal.' I thought.

"Sorry, I just decided to say hello, because I don't usually see people here when I'm around and I noticed that I knew you, or more-so recognize you. My name is (Y/n) (L/n). I've heard about you from your siblings and I know that you were an ex gang member." I said.

'Really? "I know you were an ex gang member"? Am I stupid?' I mentally kicked myself before I looked back at him, noticing the lack of an answer.

Taiju just stared at me. He probably thinks I'm crazy or weird as hell, but instead he responded and said, "So you know my younger sibs huh? I hope they're doing well, haven't seen 'em in a while." He introduced himself. "The names Taiju Shiba, even though you seem to may already know that."

I nodded my head sheepishly, then I frowned at the thought of him not seeing his siblings in a while. 'Maybe I should ask Yuzuha and Hakkai if they would like to see him? I'll remember to talk to them about it later.' I thought.

"Sooo, what brings you over here?" I asked. "I have never seen you around this church, and I walk by here almost every day." I said.

I waited for an answer from Taiju, his build being pretty intimidating as he stares down at me. Despite his angry looking face, I was not all that nervous about him... okay, maybe just a little bit, but nothing too detrimental.

"I usually don't come here every day. I come to this church from time to time, but I never miss coming to pray on Christmas day every year." Taiju raised his eyebrows. "I wouldn't be surprised if you saw me some other years before." Taiju said.

I crossed my arms out of habit from how cold it was. "Mhm, despite your looks and considering what you told me, I can see how religious you are. Walking definition of never judge a book by its cover huh?" I chuckled, as Taiju stared at me with a neutral expression. "No smile, no laugh, no nothing?" I said.

"Well," Taiju started, "It's not everyday that a random person strikes up a conversation with a stranger and then expects them to laugh at an ass joke." Taiju finished, with a deadpanned expression. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to at this point in time, so I'm going to take my leave."

Taiju started to walk away towards his car after he said that. "It was nice to meet you!" I said, with a smile as he turned and looked at me with a small smirk. "Yeah, yeah whatever." Taiju said as he got in his car, starting the ignition before driving down the street and out of my sight.

I sat on the stairs of the church, looking up at the sky as I thought, 'Maybe I'm a little stupid or just bored, but he seems interesting. I'm most definitely going to talk to Yuzuha and Hakkai about this.'

Since it was starting to get really cold, I decided to get up and head home, which was only a few minutes down the street.

A few minutes later

I got to the floor of my apartment building and went to unlock my door. Once I got into my place, I took my shoes and coat off and put them in their respectable places. I decided to head for the shower before I went to bed, so I went to my room to grab a change of clothes, for after the shower, and a towel.

Before I left my room to go towards the bathroom, I heard my phone ringing. "Wonder who could be calling me this late at night?" I said out loud to myself.

I went to pick up my phone and the caller ID read, "Seishu <3". With a smile, I picked up the phone.

"Hey Seishu, what's up?" I asked. On the other end, Inui responded, "Hey (Y/n), didn't think you were gonna pick up, considering how late it is." I laughed, "I'm surprised I'm up too, to be honest. I was just about to take a shower. Did you need something?" Inui inhaled, then exhaled sharply.

"Well, Draken's out on vacation doing whatever he does best, so I was wondering if you would like to come over tomorrow and help with the shop? Please, please, please. I don't feel like having to do a workload for two, and since you owe me, I figured you would have no choice but to help." Inui said.

'Damn Inui and his mind for remembering I owed him.' I thought. I sighed. "Fine, I'm off for the day anyways, so just tell me when to be there and I'll come by." I said, rolling my eyes. "Thank you so much (Y/n). Just because you're sooo sweet, I'll treat you to (f/f)!" Inui said. I smiled and said, "Alright alright, but you're paying, deal?"

"Deal." Inui said.

Then a thought hit me, remembering that I planned to go speak to the younger Shiba siblings at one point.

"Oh yeah, Seishu? I'm planning to go see Yuzuha and Hakkai before I come over to help you, so if I'm a little behind on time that's why. Don't worry though! I won't leave you there to be by yourself for long." I said with a laugh.

"That's alright," Inui continued, "Just come in as soon as you're done talking with them okay?"

"Okay." I responded.

With that being said, we said our goodnights and hung up. I went towards my bathroom, for a quick wash up, considering it was a bit late. Once I was done with my shower, I did my after shower routine, then went straight to my bedroom.

I turned the lights off and plugged my phone up on the charger. Getting comfortable in bed, I closed my eyes as sleep started to consume me. Considering the time of night and that I just had a nice and warm shower, getting to sleep was easier than expected that day.

Since I had a couple of things to do the next day, getting enough sleep was my top priority. I fell into a deep slumber, as the plans I had for the next day awaited me.


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1051 words <3

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