Realization ♡

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"You heard me. And you know that I don't like repeating myself." Taiju said.

I was baffled, at a lost for words.

The tone Taiju had towards me was cold, expressionless.

"Why so tense, dolly?" Taiju asked, squeezing at the sides of my stomach.

I could tell he was having fun with this, clearly backing me in a metaphorical corner.

"You know," Taiju started.

Taiju lowered his hands from my stomach and began tracing circles in my thigh as he spoke.

"I actually didn't know that you did anything with them, but from the way you tensed up, you gotta be hiding something." Taiju said.

I couldn't help but to shake from the words Taiju said.

Taiju got me.

Taiju really got me.

It's Taiju we're talking about here.

Taiju can outsmart anyone into telling him anything without even trying.

Could I have tried to defend myself of the accusation?

Yes, I could've.

But in the end, that would have just dug a deeper hole for me to lie in.

Taiju pushed me to the floor, the force causing me to rub my knees on the carpet the wrong way.

I hissed from the stinging sensation.

Taiju stood up from where he was sitting and walked in front of me, grabbing me from the back of the neck to force me to look up at him.

"You think this is some fucking game? What don't you understand about my toy, huh?" Taiju spat.

Both of us were still unaware of each other's feelings which makes Taiju think I'm playing some sick game with him.

Which made me question myself a bit, because am I?

Wanting him to act this way, wanting to drive him crazy, just feeding him all types of bullshit to get him worked up.

It's crazy how I haven't figured it out, knowing good and damn well that Taiju would've thrown me to the curb a long time ago from the actions I have committed.

But none of this was going through my mind, only the searing pain in my knees and the grip of Taiju's hand on the back of my neck.

"You don't even know how lucky you are to even still be in front of me right now." Taiju said.

I'm trying my hardest to hold up this strong front, but I can't help the shaking, trembling breaths escaping my lips every few seconds.

I opened my mouth then closed it, deciding to be quiet so that I wouldn't say anything to worsen the situation.

Taiju let go of me.

"Honestly, I knew something was up when you first got home." Taiju said as he poured himself a drink at the small end table by the chair he was once sitting in.

"You bent over a bit, exposing the fact that you didn't have any underwear on." Taiju said. "I put two and two together after that." Taiju finished.

I sat quietly and listened to every word he said, mentally cursing myself for getting into this situation yet again.

Taiju downed the whole drink, breathing out a sharp and deep exhale when he finished it.

Taiju ran his hand through his hair and laughed before he continued speaking.

Taiju's Toy ♡ | *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now