Trip ♡

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May 6th; 4:30 am

I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of my alarm blaring.

I rolled over on my side to reach for my phone that sat on the end table, turning the alarm off. I set my phone down and huffed, rubbing most of the sleep out of my eyes.

To my left, Taiju was still sleeping. I knew that Taiju didn't have to get up for work for another few hours. 'Lucky ass.' I thought to myself.

I laid my head back against the pillow, eyes fluttering close just for a second. I immediately opened them, telling myself that I need to get up and ready for work.

With a groan, I climbed out of bed and went towards the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror, half-lidded eyes and bed head staring right back at me. I blinked slowly before going to use the bathroom.

After flushing the toilet, I stood in front of the mirror, doing my usual hygienic and hair routine before exiting the bathroom.

As I walked towards the closet, I eyed Taiju's sleeping form with envy, jealous that he gets to sleep longer than I could.

I went into the closet and chose to wear mint green scrubs with the same typical work shoes. I grabbed a light jacket before leaving the closet and went back to sit on the bed.

The only thing good about the morning shifts is that I will get off pretty early in the afternoon. But the bad part about it is having to be up so damn early.

No one was up at this time, unless they were like me and had to go to work, which meant that the mornings were relatively boring as well.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and checked the notifications.

I barely text any of my friends anymore, just sending messages for a few check ups from time to time.

Getting up from the bed, I draped my jacket over my arm and pocketed my phone.

Taiju's back was facing me from where I was standing, so I went to the other side of the bed. I eyed his peaceful form, someone usually so timid and aggressive looking as calm as a baby. I gave him a light kiss on the forehead before voicing a quiet, "I love you."

With that, I walked to the bedroom door and opened it, shutting it behind me softly.

I walked downstairs and went to the front door, grabbing my keys off the hook before walking out the house.

It was still dark outside, the stars and the moon still sitting relatively high in the sky.

I walked to my car and unlocked my car doors and threw my things in the passenger seat and then plopped myself down in the driver's seat.

I closed the door and started the car, not wasting any time to get to work, wanting to get the day over with.


After driving for a while, I had finally made it to work.

I grabbed my jacket and got out of the car and locked the doors before entering the building. Instead of settling down at the front desk, I kept walking to go towards where the breakroom for employees was located.

Since I didn't stop anywhere to get anything food wise, I decided to take advantage of the food and drinks that were available for us employees.

I had made it to the breakroom and set my jacket down on one of the chairs, immediately starting the coffee pot. Lord knows I need coffee at this hour.

As I waited for the coffee to finish brewing, I checked the minifridge to see what food it had to offer.

It was mostly filled with things you can put in the microwave considering there's no stove in the breakroom.

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