Love ♡

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It had been about four months since that day at Yuzuha's place.

Yuzuha had let it slip that her brother, Taiju Shiba, has a crush on me.

Having to live in the same house as Taiju made it a little more difficult to not show my feelings. I managed to keep a strong front, going on about my days as if Yuzuha never told me what she did.

But I knew that wasn't true since that's all that went around my mind these days.

Ever since that information had slipped past her lips, I didn't know what to do with it.

Tell Taiju I feel the same? Ask Taiju about it? I had no idea on how to go on about it, so I had kept it under wraps and to myself.

Months have went by, and I still haven't said anything.

May 4th; 2:35 pm

It was one of my days off from work as I sat on a bench in the park.

Recently my days have consisted of the same thing repeated over and over again. If I'm not at work, then I spend my days away from home.

The very same home where I am reminded everyday, everytime when I see Taiju, that that man apparently loves me.

To this day, I still haven't let the information that Yuzuha told me slip from my mouth.

I've been giving Taiju some time. Time to either tell me from his own mouth about his feelings, or time to build up on them and think about it.

We only knew each other for about two weeks the day Yuzuha had told me about it.

Technically longer if I want to count him knowing I existed, but in terms of actually getting to know me and taking a liking to me, not that long.

I thought that it was absurd how someone could catch feelings in such little time, assuming that Taiju didn't really know what his feelings were.

I think it's pretty funny, now that I look back on it.

I had also caught feelings for Taiju in such little time, deeming it a small crush that would blow away sooner or later.

But four months have passed, and I feel just the same, if not even more, about Taiju.

I sighed as I crossed my legs on the bench.

I've been staying out of the house as much as I could to avoid the possibility of this conversation coming up with Taiju.

Going to work helped with that, so I've been taking shifts when I get presented with the choice.

But when I don't have work, my body leads me here or anywhere from the house.

It's been hard to keep something like this away from Taiju, considering I live with him and one slip up could cause the secret to be out.

Yuzuha thinks that the way I'm going about things could hurt what's going on between me and Taiju.

'But what exactly is going on between me and Taiju?' I thought to myself.

I had been jolted from my thoughts as my phone chimed in my lap, signaling I had gotten a message.

The message was from Inui. "Hey (Y/n). How have you been?" Inui messaged.

Ah, about Inui.

Inui had gotten over his crush on me for about a while now, telling me himself that he really loves us as friends and nothing more.

I personally think Inui just gave up, but he was happy with the fact that we were friends and that's enough for him.

Of course, I agreed with Inui, but I could tell that it was really hard for him to even admit that he didn't want to take the friendship even further.

Taiju's Toy ♡ | *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now