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Four strangers get off their horses when a servant approaches them "This way your grace, your majesty is waiting". They follow the servant in a bar.

They enter the bar and meet with reeks of alcohol. The people went silent when they saw four strangers. They are wearing black riding hoods that reach near their feet. Anyone who saw them thought, they are some nobles or some rich foreigners. The servant leads them through the crowd and takes them toward a small and suspicious room.

After closing the room door, the servant turn toward the floor and removed the red rug that is covering the wooden floor. The room was well furnished that no one can suspect there was a hidden door in the middle of the wooden floor. He opens the secret door that leads to a dark tunnel. The servant jumps into the tunnel leading the way to the strangers.

When they reach deep into the tunnel they saw a mysterious wooden door. The servant opens the door and leads them in. Three men were sitting there while one of them was sipping his wine. When they notice their presence one whose drinking stops and smirks.

"Welcome Prince Jake" the one at the center spoke nonchalantly while offering them seats.

Jake takes a seat at the center of his companions and signals his companion to sit down. One sits on jake's left and second sits on his right and the third took a seat beside the left one. The room is small but well furnished a round wooden table is present between seven of them.

"Why you call us King jin" One on the right side of the prince spoke coldly while eyeing the king up and down. King look at him then said nonchalantly "Lord Jimin, you are still the same impatient child" King jin said nonchalantly and take a bite of biscuits present on the table while jimin rolled his eyes.

Jake was blankly staring at them "You didn't change Prince Jake I thought you would learn your lesson from the last encounter" King Jin's little brother Prince Vergo spoke blankly and take a sip of his wine.

He scoffed at his comment and glared at him. How can I forget that I was sent to the border for straight four years just because King Alexender found out about my plan to get the throne from my little brother's hand? And this is because of these three brown orb brothers.

"How can I forget that?" He said coldly and glared at Prince Vergo."As we already told you, we are sorry for that Prince. But we don't have a choice, at that time you knew how much your life was in danger. And it is the safest way we would think about, to save your life. I know that Bell Mound Border is not the safest place, but it is a lot better than the palace" Prince Trafalgar said calmly.

He just sighed in defeat at his comment because he knew it was true though. "So why did you call us? You know how difficult it is to get here" one of the companions with silver hair spoke boringly while stretching his arms." I am sorry for the inconvenience Suga, but this is an important matter" Prince Trafalgar spoke in a serious tone.

"What is it?" the companions on the left side of prince Jake with dark brown hair spoke. "Jay I am sorry for making you impatient, so we call you here because it is related to Prince Julius" Prince Trafalgar replied, then looked at Prince Jake for a reaction but he was blankly starring back."Jake, I don't know what you think of it, but Prince Julius is going to marry Duke Lector's oldest daughter" Prince Trafalgar spoke seriously."So what? You call us here just for this" Jimin yelled at them.

"No there is more of it my child" King Jin spoke coldly, making Jimin glare at him."Jake throne and life are on edge now" Prince Vergo spoke while putting his empty glass on the table. "What do you mean?" Jimin spoke coldly and tighten his fist. "If his brother gave heir before him then his little brother is going to become the king" Prince Trafalgar spoke, making everyone silent.

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