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"Are you ready lisa?" Mother asks while entering the room "Yes mother". She looked at me up and down then said "You look pretty". I smiled at her comment and replied with thanks.

This is the first time she complimented me I feel overwhelmed. "But your hair, sit down," she orders while pointing to the bed. I sat on the bed while my back was facing her. She opened my hair that are tied in a bun.

My long blond hair fell on my shoulder. She brushes my hair and sets them, after finishing her work she said "Done," and handed me a mirror. I look at my hair which is tied in a loose braid from the front and is open from the back that is in soft curls.

I smiled and said, "Thank you, mother". She smiled and helped me to stand up "I want to talk to you, about something lisa if you don't mind ". "What is it, Mother?" I replied politely. "Lisa what happened yesterday in Aloy's room don't tell anyone not even your father".

I was stunned but then smiled politely. How I just thought this love is real how can I forget that she only has one daughter in her mind and that is Aloy Lector? I was just a part of their family in front of the whole world but only I know that was an illusion. "don't worry Mother". She smiled and hugged me. "Thank you, Lisa, I know you are not our blood daughter but I know you always think better for us," she said and broke the hug.

What she said made my heart shatter and I tried my best to keep my smile but I can't.

~ ♛ ~

We walk downstairs when Aloy approached me. "You look pretty little sister," she said while smiling and it's the first time she didn't make a fuss about my looks. She always does that I don't remember when but maybe from my childhood and the reason why she did that I still don't know.

I still remember on her 18th birthday she blame me for spoiling her birthday that day, her father got in an accident and we didn't celebrate her birthday like we always do so Mom just invite some of her close friends. And she blame me for that and that's why she tore the dress I was going to wear on that day. I feel hurt becuse that dress was gifted by Albedo on my 17 birthday.

I sighed while remembering the incident becuse that day was the worst nightmare in my life. At that time she hates me to death but now when I look at her face, I can see how much happy she looks, but how broken she is inside. She is trying her best to make herself look happy in front of everyone. And I can sense that she was trying to change but for how long I don't know. But I can give her one more chance becuse she needs me. No one was with her except me so I didn't waste my time and hugged them.

"It's okay sis" I whispered making her hug me back. I caressed her back to comfort her. We broke the hug and I smiled at her "Let's go, ladies, the carriage is ready" Dad spoke while smiling at both of us. We smiled in return and followed him outside where two different colors but the same design carriage were standing.

Aloy held Lisa's hand tightly when the carriage started moving toward his destination "Nervous," Lisa asked and she nodded in return. "Lisa, I am sorry" Aloy spoke, making Lisa look at her weirdly "Why sis?" she spoke shockingly.

Aloy smiled at her and then said "I did many bad things to you lisa. I always make you suffer and you always just listen to my tantrums, but you didn't argue with me. You always treat me as your older sister, but I didn't become your older sister like I have to. But now I want to apologize for my bad deeds".

Lisa smiled sadly and said, "It's okay sis, you don't have to apologize because those things you said or did were not wrong at all you always remind me of my place in that house". "It's not true Lisa I was just jealous of you" Aloy replied with concern.

She smiled after looking at her sister's concerned face and for the first time she was happy that maybe God was not that cruel." just forget that is because what matters right now is this special occasion. I am happy that God give me a sister like you that love me and I don't need anything else" she said while smiling sincerely.

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