💚Royal Pain in My Ass💚 pt.2

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We'd retired that night in a barn. It was a very nice barn I might add. I have an acquaintance who owes me a favor... he's the one who's hiding us away in his barn. His wife is a very lovely lady who for some reason every time I'm forcing her husband to do something, she takes my side. My acquaintance's name I cannot give out quite yet, but his wife? Oh boy! Blossom makes the best clam chowder! And she treats me like a younger sibling! It's great because whenever I need a favor I just call her instead of calling her husband half the time.

Before we had arrived at this 'safe-house', we'd been running for what felt like forever. My feet hurt— still do. I don't have shoes so every sharp rock my bare toes stubbed and my feet would get cut by everything on the path.

As I plopped down onto the bed of hay, the only thing on my mind is sleep. His Royal highness has other plans.

"This is barbaric!" He's pacing back and fourth on the sodden floor. It's not very bright in here, only illuminated by two small lanterns, but I can see the worry on his face.

I groan then cover my eyes with an arm. "Barbaric?"

"Yes! I'm not supposed to be here! With you!" I don't have to look to see him throw his arms in the air.

"And maybe if you'd of just done as I'd of asked of you, you'd still be at the palace drinking tea and sleeping with your maids." I roll my eyes then lace my fingers behind my head. "You weren't supposed to go on to the ballroom floor."

"I was mingling-"

"Oh shut up." I stand up and remove the heels attached to my belt. "Mingling my ass. I told you beforehand that there would be an attempt on your life. Your mother told you to be careful. Your father reminded you to be careful. And what do you do? You walk out with a crown on your head. As if you wanted to be the center of attention. Your suit draws enough attention was it really necessary to wear that crown?"

"Oh my attire draws attention?" His eyes trace my dress before stopping at my eyes. "You should look in a mirror, darlin'."

"I said I needed pants. I said I needed a mask. I said I needed a hood. I said at least give me decent shoes that I could run in." I break the heel off of the shoes and frown. "Does your mother provide me with what I need? No. The only thing she allowed me to keep was my dagger. So don't go saying this utterly ridiculous outfit draws attention because I did not choose to wear it. You chose to stand out. You chose to make yourself an easy target."

He opens his mouth to protest but a knock on the door shuts him up. I frown and slowly make my way over to the door and cautiously open it. I sigh in relief and take a step back. Blossom walks in holding a pile of clothing.

"Oh BC, what on earth have you gotten yourself into this time?" She mused before placing the clothes in my arms. Her attention is drawn to the guy standing behind me. "And this must be his Royal pain in the ass?" She giggled before looking at me. "Buttercup, those clothes should fit you. Although the shirt might be a little tighter than the last time I had you fitted for emergencies."

"Thanks, Bloss. Can you do me a favor and tell that slob up there to please see if he can arrange for transportation?" I give a smile. Blossoms one of the only people who've ever seen me smile. Otherwise I've been told I have a resting bitch face.

"Hey, that's my slob." She laughed then placed a hand on my cheek. "Okay, dear. I'll see what I can do. There should be a spare change of clothes for him in there as well." Her eyes flick to Butch. "He looks like the same size as my husband."

"Tell Brick I appreciate it. I really do."

"You're like a very annoying younger sister to the both of us. Always in trouble, I swear. I'll let him know." Blossom turns around, her red hair flying out behind her as she leaves.

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