❤️Shes All That❤️

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I'm in love with the Geek, the freak,
the girl that never wins
(So what, so what)

"You've gotta be kidding me." Brick growled as he stared across the quad. "This cannot be happening." Standing a few feet away from him was her. She had her nose stuck in a book, a soft smile plastered onto her face.

Bricks heart began fo pick up pace. He clasped a hand over his chest as if that'll slow down the rapid beating. "Shit."

I'm in love with the weird, the wild, her rip jeans in her pants
(So what, so what)

Her red hair was pulled back into a braid, adored at the end with a pink bow. When did he start feeling this way about her? His eyes traveled from her hair to her jeans. Since when did she wear holes in them?

His lips tugged up into a cheesy grin as he stared at her.

"What's the problem with your face, dude?" Boomer chuckled and nudged him in the ribs. "Come on, we have band practice to get to."

"I-yeah..." Brick did a quick glance to Blossom before catching up with Boomer.

She's doesn't listen to the radio, but she sings along at all my shows

Brick had gotten home from school and playing with his band of reckless wannabe rockstars. He knew they were all going places. And he hoped to possibly be apart of it. 

You could say Brick was all about the creative side of things. His friend, Butch, was more towards the physical (Football, baseball, basketball, hockey, etc.) and Boomer was a bit of an academically focused student. However, Butch had talked Boomer and Brick into joining the football team.

So as Brick striped down and took a shower before getting changed to go to his schools football game, he could only think of Blossom.

She was academically oriented as well... which is partly how he met her. Boomer was having his nerdy little get-together and Brick apparently had offered to host it for him. Blossom was apart of this Nerd Club

I'm in love with the Geek, the freak,
the girl that never wins
(So what, so what)

Brick finished getting his jeans and jersey on. He'd actually get changed into his equipment when he got there. No use in driving the whole way there being uncomfortable.

His phone dinged as he buckled up. It was a message from one of Blossoms friends, who also happened to be the only girl on the football team. Same as Butch she was more geared towards the athletic side of schooling.

I've convinced your little crush to show up tonight. She says she's only coming for me and Bubbs, but when your name was brought up I swear her eyes changed into hearts 🤮

Brick smiled. She's coming to watch him. Even if she didn't actually admit it, her friend admitted it for her.

So what is she's no beauty queen, or the captain of the winning team

Blossom sat in the crowd cheering on her schools team. Brick watched her with amazement from the field.

"Hey! Brick-Head! Get your head outta your ass and focus!" Buttercup smacked him upside the head. "Alright boys..." her words faded out as his attention went back to Blossom.

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