❤️(don't) JOIN ME!❤️

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"Just think about it~ with your brains and my chaotic nature! WE COULD RULE THE WORLD! And then why stop there?! We could rule the universe!" The auburn haired male's maniac laughter echoed off the buildings. His red eyes scanned the girl I front of him.

She wore different clothing from when they were kids. Well, the style was different. Instead of a pink dress with a black stripe, she wore black shorts and a pink tank top. Her white socks went up just past her kneecaps and she wore black boots. Usually her red hair would of been in a ponytail with a bow, but it was in a braid with a pink ribbon weaved through it.

"Alright." The females words caught him off guard.


"I said 'alright'."

"Why?!" Brick nearly fainted, goodie-too-shoes pinky said ALRIGHT TO JOINING ME?!

"I mean, seriously? You get to go around having fun every gosh darn day! I'm stuck trying to be perfect! I make one mistake and everyone's like: 'oh no!' And starts verbally abusing me! Even my sisters would agree with me! I'm the so called leader of a group of teenage girls who's supposed to protect the city from... well... FUN! While you and your brothers are sleeping in, robbing a candy store, or doing whatever you consider fun, me and my sisters are being questioned by police!

I understand that there are rules we need to follow, but are you fucking kidding me?! Mojo fucking tried to sue Bubbles because her sonic scream destroyed his house! He goes around destroying shit all the time! And you know what?! Not once did someone try to arrest him!

So to answer you question, yes! I'd would love to join you and rule the fucking universe because it'd be a break from people constantly telling me I need to be perfect. I'd be allowed to make mistakes, I'd be allowed to mess up. And I would love to be able to mess up and not get made fun of because some kid posted a meme!"

Brick stared at her in shock. His mouth opened the closed as he tried to find some words. Blossom stared at him with a look of seriousness before bursting out laughing. "You look like a fish."

"Well-I- NO! YOU CAN NOT JOIN ME! I take back my offer!" Brick holds his hands up and takes a step back. "You do not get to switch from being good to being evil."

"But why?" Blossom tilted her head to the side, "You offered. And now you're taking the offer back? Isn't it what you wanted? To see the city and world suffer~?"

Brick frowned and shook his head. Why'd you decline?! She fucking said she'd help you rule! Why'd you— oh my god! Shut up! I'm trying to figure it out as well! We'll figure it out! Because I really hope you didn't do this because you have a stupid cr-EW! No!... at least I don't think- we've been quiet for a long time. What? Say something! She's going to be suspicious! She's already looking at us weird! Oh shit! This is why I need to stop having conversations with myself in my head... I look like a crazy person! You are a crazy person! Now stop! Speak!

"Brick?" Blossom arched an eyebrow. "You alright?"

Brick was pulled back to reality and he nodded his head. "You can't join me, because I don't want to see the would suffer. I want to see you suffer. So if staying a hero makes you suffer, then that's what I'm gonna make sure you stay as." Oh my god! YOU DO LIKE HER! Shut up! Pleaseee!!!!

"But I-"

"No, Blossom! You are staying my counterpart! You are staying the girl who I fight every week! You are going to kick my ass and throw me in jail. I'm going to escape and come fight you again. It's going to be like this until you stop hating being the good guy."

"Why do I have to be the good guy?! Cant you?!"

"Pinky, babe, I'm the villain. I was born in a toilet."

The seriousness of his voice and face only cause Blossom to burst into a fit of laughter. He liked seeing her laugh... he liked seeing her happy.

Brick walked over to the pink eyed girl and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Listen, if you ever need to just... talk, You know where to find me. I may not be the best option but I'll understand better than anyone else."

She gave him a soft smile then engulfed him in a hug. "Thank you... I think I'll stay the hero. You can stay the villain and I can, as you said, kick you ass."

Brick chuckled before hugging her back. I could get used to this... they both thought.

"You're welcome, Pinky."

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