❤️Soulmate first words❤️

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⚠️SPOILER WARNING: for those who haven't watched the Avengers Endgame, a really sad spoiler is gonna happen. If you don't care, continue reading. And enjoy~⚠️

I live in a world where your born with your soulmates first words you hear them say on your wrist. I was born with the words 'I can't believe that Natasha actually died'. All my life I've been worried for whoever Natasha was, because seriously?! Why'd that gave to be my soulmates words?! Is Natasha like an ex or something? Am I gonna meet my soulmate at a funeral?!

Whenever my friends are over, we always try and figure out how we're gonna meet out soulmates.

"You're probably gonna meet him at the beach," I said to Bubbles. Her wrist said: 'Isn't the sand hot'.

"Probably... where else is there sand?" The blonde smiled and looked up. "Unless we meet at a theme park where they have sand instead of dirt or gravel."

"Uh huh, whatever you say." Buttercup rolled her eyes and held out her wrist. "At least yours doesn't call you cupcake."

"I think your's is really sweet, Buttercup." Bubbles giggled and ran her fingers over the ravenettes letters.

"Well, howdy there cupcake~" I said in a mocking tone. That's what her wrist says. 'Hey there cupcake'.

She send me a glare then smirks. "Wow, I seriously can't believe Natasha died!"

"You little-"

"Little what? Miss perfect gonna say a naughty word!?"

"Buttercup! Shut up!"

She opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Bubbles. "Girls, girls. You're both pretty, now let's go before we miss the movie."

Buttercup had talked us all into going to the movies as our 'last day of junior year fun activity'. She'd picked out the movie, something about superhero's.

We all get into my car and I start driving. When we reach the theaters, Buttercup goes to get popcorn and drinks. Bubbles and I leave to find our seats and we talk while watching the previews. Buttercup sits beside Bubbles and hand us out popcorn, sodas, and apparently she bought us candy as well.

During the movie, some girl fell off the cliff and died. So many people gasped and a guy behind me started crying. Someone a few rows down started cussing at the screen for killing her favorite Avenger. The whole theater erupted into chaos-except me and Bubbles because we had no idea what the heck was going on.

Throughout all the chaos, one sentence fought my attention. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT NATASHA ACTUALLY DIED!"

My world stoped spinning. And I could of sworn that time stoped. "W-what..." I looked around for whoever said that. But I couldn't see anyone.

Growing angry that I couldn't find him, I stood up on the chair and whistled as loudly as I possibly could. Everyone quitted down and looked at me.

"You, sir! The handsome redhead!" I said while pointing to the guy a few rows up.

His eyes widened and he looks down at his wrist, so automatically I assume that's my soulmate and the guy who said something about Natasha dying. "Soulmate?"

"Well this certainly wasn't how I expected this to go..." he muttered. Next thing I knew the whole theater was erupting in witless and congratulations and applause.

"Meet me after the movie?" I mouthed to him. He nodded and smiled.

I sat down and counted down the minutes until this long ass movie was over. It's like- three hours long or something! No movie should be this long! I swear the universe is doing this on purpose to keep me from interacting with the cute redhead. Curse you universe!!!! I don't want to sit through this movie with a weird tree that only says 'I am Groot'! Ughhhhhhhhhhh!

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