🤍Her ; Tattoos🖤

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{So these two characters are not cannon or anything like that. Nor did I create them. They're more like these two characters who are used a filler characters and their names aren't always the same. They're like everyone's OC. (For those who don't know "OC" stands for "Original Character".)  I like to imagine Bell and Blake as a yin yang sort of pair. More information will be added as the one-shot continues.

⚠️mentions of ";" (and suicide) and mentions of abuse⚠️}

He watched her as her head tilted up, feeling the rain fall onto her face and travel down her neck. Blake found himself somewhat jealous of the fact that the rain got to touch her and not him. Although he didn't blame her... he wouldn't let himself touch him if he was her.

His scowl turned to a smile as he watched her eyes light up, the lightning flash illuminated her face. She looked mesmerized by the storm. She was mesmerizing to look at. She consumed his every thought, and that made him angry.

No matter how hard he tried to keep up with his cold exterior she managed to break her way through. She was destroying every wall he had managed to build. But the thing that bothered him the most was that he was letting her.

"Come on, Blake!" Her voice, warm and friendly, echoed inside his brain. She stared at him in pure wonder and amazement.  "Come dance with me!"

"No thanks." He deadpanned. It was the middle of the night, but he wouldn't take the chance of anyone seeing him dance. He didn't want people to know him the same way Bell did.

Bell rolled her eyes and ran up to him. Her long white hair was kept out of her face by a black headband. It had the entails B and B sewn in silver thread. It was a birthday gift from Blake. He hated how her bangs would always cover her face, so he decided to do something about it. "Nobody's gonna know. Who's up at midnight on a Tuesday?"

"Us." He crossed his arms and stayed sitting on the porch bench. "You go right ahead and dance all you want. I, however, will not partake in your childish behavior."

"You're just scared someone's gonna see the big bad Blake laughing and enjoying himself." She smirked and crouched down. "Please Blake~"

Blake stared down at her and rolled his eyes. He studied the girl in front of him. How did he come to know her in the first place? She was too joyful of a person to associate herself with him. He was nothing but storm clouds on her sunny day. She radiated potential, he radiated disappointment. She was a diamond and he was a lump of coal. Not the good kind of coal. He was the type that you'd once throw into a train and watch as he destroyed the ozone.

'She's perfect...'  he thought as he stared at her. '...and I'm just me. Why hasn't she walked away yet?' His brows formed a 'V' as his gaze traveled from her big grey eyes and button nose to her jeans that were soaked. He dared not look but he knew she'd be wearing a black lace sports bra under her white tank top. He'd seen it earlier when he accidentally looked through her window. They were neighbors and their rooms were directly across from one another. How cliché that was, both of them used to think.

He stared down at her shoeless feet. Her toes were painted grey with little specks of silver glitter. That's when he noticed something on her ankle. It was a tattoo of a semicolon. Worry struck his face as his eyes found hers again. A few strands of her hair had peeked through her headband and covered parts of her eyes. "Blake?" She arched and eyebrow and stood up. "Everything okay? You look paler than normal..." she trailed off.

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