💚Soulmate Crystals💚

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In this world we are given special crystals, known as "Soulmate Crystals". The reason we call them this is because each crystal represents something. An angelite can mean one of three things: Divine love, gentleness, or healing. If someone were to receive this crystal it's means their soulmate is one (or all) of those three things.

We receive these crystals when we're born. Sometimes our parents turn them into bracelets, necklaces, anything really. Some people keep them in their natural state and just carry the rock around everywhere.

Once we find our soulmate, the crystals glow and disappear. Pretty cool, right? The thing that's annoying about the whole "Soulmate" thing is that the crystal won't automatically disappear when you meet your soulmate. Both parties have to fall in love and share a kiss. After all that happens, your crystal either disappears meaning you've found your soulmate. Or it stays meaning you've made a wrong choice and your soulmate is still out there somewhere.

Now, these crystals aren't always crystals. Some are gemstones, and there's this really rare case that one will be a rock... yeah~ I'm one of those really rare cases.

I was blessed with a black lava rock. Strength, courage, stability. How fun. Did ya hear the sarcasm there? I got a fucking lava rock! Ugh! My two sisters even laugh about that. So here I am, walking around school with this black lava rock necklace and everyone's laughing. So annoying.

"...and that's why you should cherish your soulmate crystal." My teacher says right as the bell rings. We go through this everyday! Why it's important to keep your crystal on you at all times. Why you shouldn't be careless with it. Blah blah blah.

"So~ you still certain he's a douche bag?"

Insert my best friend, Butch Slade. Pretty much the only guy who can actually stand me.

"You still certain she's amazing?" I pick my bag up and swing it over my shoulder.

"Absolutely!" Butch was another rare case. Instead of just one crystal, his was two combined. Hematite and Black Onyx. Courage, inner strength, grounding, blocking negativity, patience, determination.

"Buttercup! You're never gonna believe this!" My sister, Blossom, sprints across the room and over to me. "You remember Brick Daniels? The guy on the basketball team?" I nod. Everyone knows Brick.

"What about him?" I give a quick glance to Butch, who's looking as confused as I am.

"His gemstone is Amethyst!" Oh wow- are those hearts I see in her eyes? Oh no...

Alright! Let me catch you up here. Brick Daniels has been Blossom Steele's crush since second grade... we're juniors. She's been trying to figure out what his crystal was since as long as I can remember. Brick didn't want people knowing what his soulmate crystal was, he said he didn't want people to try and change themselves to try and fit the crystal. Believe it or not, that has happened before.

Amethyst means balance, intuition, and higher wisdom. To be honest, that sounds a lot like Blossom... aaaannnddd I understand why she's got hearts in her eyes now.

"Amethyst? Seriously? My friends soulmate sounds like a total geek." Butch scrunched up his nose and looks Blossom up and down. "Oh fuck... wow! Shit!" He covered his mouth and Blossom started nodding.

"Guess what mine is!" Blossom wraps a hand around her crystal. "Carnelian!" She all but squeals.

"Oh dam!" I'm pretty sure I'm wearing the same awe struck expression as my best friend.

"Ahem! Go. To. Your. Next. Class."

We all freeze then slowly turn to face Mrs.Adams. She's tapping her foot and looks very impatient. "Heh, right..." Blossom grabs my hand and runs out the classroom. Butch runs after us and when we're a safe distance away Blossom stops to catch her breath.

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