💚The Woods💚pt.5

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D̶a̶y̶ NIGHT 1:

Although there was a fire burning, the darkness of the night seemed to chill my bones more than ever before. This is what happens when you get used to living in a luxurious castle for days. I bet you his majesty is colder than I am. Actually- I would of said he was cooler than me if we weren't currently cuddled together. He's on fire. Not litteraly, but he might of well of been. How he was so warm, I have zero idea.

He was asleep so it's not like I could ask him. I was thankful for him being warm, and was praying that he didn't drool on me.

The sun had set hours ago, and the moon came out to say hello. The stars twinkled brightly in the dark sky, reminding me of my sister. I haven't fully shared about her, have I? I'm not planning on getting any sleep tonight, might as well share a bit.

My sister always loved the stars. She always loved the idea of how someday when she died she might become one of them. It was a stupid idea that our parents used to tell us as children. When we die we'd join the stars in the sky and dance with everyone as sparkling celestial beings. I always found that ridiculous, but Bubbles loved that. She said it gave her a reason to not fear death... it gave her a reason to live as well.

We were in a wagon with our parents one night headed home from town, when we were attacked by palace guards. My mom wrapped Bubbles in a blanket and practically threw us off the wagon. She yelled at us and told us to run and not look back.

I ran. I had my sister in my arms, her face buried into my neck. I ran and, like my mother said to do, I never looked back. I heard screams, and the sound of people choking on their own blood. I didn't want to think of who I heard... so I continued running. I ran until my feet were bleeding. I ran until I couldn't run anymore. And then I collapsed. In the middle of the woods. And I cried, I cried hard. Because I knew I'd never see my parents again.

Bubbles, who was no more that four at the time, sat beside me and wrapped us both in her blanket. She hugged me and said everything would be okay, that she loved me.

I never really found out what happened to my parents... I could if I wanted to. But I didn't. I didn't want to know.

Bubbles and I found ourselves a nice old lady to take care of us for a few years. Then my beautiful blue-eyed sister came down with a sickness. A severe sickness that couldn't be treated with a simple floral tea. That's when I seeked out Gable, because the money I made while helping him could pay for the treatments and medicine that worked. Bubbles understood I did what I do for a better life for her, that's why she was/is so oddly okay with the fact I kill people.

Just thinking of what could happen to Bubbles if the queen finds her... I don't want to even imagine.


My eyes advert from the crackling fire to the price beside me as my foggy memories blur away into the present.

"Everything alright?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" I arch a brow.

The warm glow of the flames dance across Butch's tired eyes. "Because you're shaking."

"I'm cold, dumbass."

He chuckled, a low sound starting in his chest and erupting all throughout his body. His shoulder shake when he laughs, and his nose scrunch's just before he starts. I've been paying to much attention to this doofus... it's not a good thing for me to pay attention at all. I should not know some of the things I know! I shouldn't know that when he's mad a small tick forms on the right side of his jaw. I shouldn't know that when he's annoyed at me he'll frown then try to crack a joke. I shouldn't know that when something peeks his interest his eyes widen ever so slightly, barley even noticeable.

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