43 Get on my level bitch

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The people who hadn't been there for the attack were kind of skeptical of Kurapika, but they couldn't really blame them. "So I smashed the tree down and looked him in the eye. It was pretty hilarious" Killua was saying, both Gon and Kurapika were sitting at one of the tables in the dining hall with him. Gon giggled but Kurapika sighed. "You probably shouldn't come off as dangerous to figures of authority." he pointed out. Killua rolled his eyes, "Since when have I given two fucks about authority?" Gon blinked. "Only when it suits you" Killua snickered, crossing his legs. "Exactly." Vanessa sipped some wine, she tended to hang around Killua when she was bored for some reason. "So, does your friend know about..." She trailed off with a slight smirk and Killua blushed then scowled. "Don't you dare bring that up" He snapped. Of course Kurapika doesn't know we're dating! "Is it something important?" He asked with a slight narrowing of his eyes.

He shot Kurapika glare. "No!" Gon frowned slightly. "I'm lost" He blushed a little. "Good, your bad at keeping secrets." Then Gon's eyes lit up. "Oh! You mean-" Killua smacked a hand over his mouth with a growl. "No! it's too embarrassing!" Gon giggled and Kurapika looked intrigued. "A secret?" Vanessa laughed a little and he shot her a glare. "Shut the fuck u-" He was cut off by Gon removing his hand and placing a kiss on Killua's cheek, at which point his entire face went red and He covered his face with his hands. "BAKA!" Kurapika grinned. "You two are a thing now?" Gon giggled as Killua sulked, Vanessa was still laughing. Then he chuckled. "It's about damn time" Killua paused, then looked up with a slight frown. "The fuck's that supposed to mean?" He smirked. "I knew you had a crush on him ever since trick tower"

He blushed as he remembered Kurapika asking him why he was lost in thought and blushing while staring at Gon when they were locked in that room for 50 hours. "You were totally checking him out" Gon blushed. "W-When?" Vanessa snickered and Killua smacked him. "WHY THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER? SHUT UP!" He wasn't actually checking him out, more like daydreaming. Suddenly Finral came over. "I sense some feelings over here, who's the lucky lady who caught your attention?" He said, looking directly at Killua. He snorted, then Kurapika chuckled. Gon huffed. Finral was very much confused. "He just called you a girl!" Killua laughed, then Gon shoved his shoulder. "Stop laughing at me! Also you totally just exposed yourself." He blushed a little. Oh fuck he's right- "Oh. I should've guessed that to be honest" Finral muttered.

"It was supposed to be a fucking secret goddamn it" Killua grumbled, Gon scoffed. "Then you shouldn't have just gone out and said it. It was your fault, not mine" He blushed a little more and looked away. "He's right you know" Killua shot a glare at Vanessa, before grabbing her drink. "Your opinion is not needed!" She protested as he knocked back the rest of her drink and smirked, before passing it back over. "your punishment" She looked over at Finral. "Finral, be a dear and get me some more booze~" He sighed. "But I'm your superior-" Killua snorted. "Then act like one idiot!" He pointed to Finral's half bewildered expression. "Being a superior doesn't mean you're older, it means you're more experienced and smarter. Your better at what you do then the others. That isn't a title that finds you, you have to earn it" He crossed his legs and leaned back a bit.

"Very good point." Kurapika said thoughtfully, "Sorry Finral, but you don't have that title just yet, keep dreaming" Killua finished. There was silence for a few moments. "Talk about a sick burn" Vanessa muttered. Finral seemed to actually absorb this knowledge though. "But how will I ever earn it if I can't use offensive magic" He mumbled, looking down. Gon and Killua looked at each other. "You aren't born strong" Killua started, he didn't know why he felt like giving Finral advice, but everybody at the table was listening. "This bullshit about nobles and royals being 'born strong' is nonsense" He leaned his elbows on the table backwards, facing Finral fully. "And just because you don't have offensive magical capabilities doesn't mean you can't be strong. There's more roles on the battlefield then offense. Support, stealth, evacuation, healer, contact, patrol, defense, there's tons. Now, I'm not saying you can't have any offensive ability, that's just setting yourself up for failure"

"How are you so smart?" Vanessa asked curiously. He shrugged. "I've been in a war before, also part of my training is tact and battle awareness." Finral's eyes went wide. "A war?" Gon nodded. "Oh yeah! I was there too. We almost died a few times" Then Gon grinned as he ignored the two alarmed expressions. "I remember that one time Killua got used as a human dartboard-" He flushed and smacked him. "S-Shut up!" Gon still liked to tease him about it. "I'm sorry what?" Finral yelped. Gon snickered. "He had to go to the hospital for a few days." He scowled. "Damn ants." Killua muttered. Kurapika's eyebrows raised. "I haven't heard this story before" Gon giggled and prodded Killua with a finger. "He got impaled with a huge fish dart thing like 10 times." Killua blushed in embarrassment. "I-I had that situation under control!" He tried to protest. Gon smirked at him. "Oh really? Then care to explain your hospital visit?"

He huffed. "Well I didn't fucking die did I? if I didn't know anything about darts I would have. But I knew they were going to hit me here last, so I attached a suction cup and then snatched their heads" He said, briefly tapping his forehead. "Why the hell are kids like you put to war?" Finral asked with alarm in his tone. He shrugged. "We worked for the right to be a part of it. The human race was literally threatened and if that issue went on for long enough, it would be extinct" Killua said dryly. Gon nodded. "Yeah! But not all of them were bad. Like that red octopus one" He blinked. "Ikalgo?" He nodded. "Yeah! He was the one who brought you to the hospital right?" Killua rubbed the back of his head. "Well, yeah. I still have no clue why he even helped me. Not only were we on different sides but I nearly killed him about an hour before that"

Kurapika's eyebrows raised. "You nearly killed him?" He sighed. "You know how his limbs are all stumpy?" He nodded. Killua swung his legs a little. "I uh...cut em off." He shook his head. "I can't stop you from being you, but that seems a little brutal" He scowled. "He tried to kill me first! And he likes his new stumpy limbs now so whatever" Gon smacked him on the back of the head. "Oi!" He stuck his tongue out. "That's not how making friends work!" Killua huffed. "Well it happened. Surprisingly we're on pretty good terms and he does consider me a friend. Not like I was wanting that or anything it just kind of happened" Kurapika nodded. "it's called a battlefield bond. Usually it happens with your own side but it's not unheard of for a defector and an enemy to bond" Gon beamed. "I made a friend too! He was a chameleon " Killua snorted. "No wonder you tried to make friends with the enemy."

"Hey!" He rolled his eyes. "You grow attachments too easy. Then they turn out to be assholes, or creeps, or someone who wants to kidnap you. I'm getting you a fucking tracker sometime soon" Gon sulked. "I hate that you right" Killua smirked. "born a Zoldyck, I'm raised to be the best. And you think you can win an argument? dumbass" Gon snorted. "That has nothing to do with anything" He grinned. "I passed highschool thank you very much" Vanessa frowned slightly. "Aren't you 13?" Killua nodded. "yep. And I finished highschool." Then he got an idea. "Hey Gon, go grab me a stick and a branch" He blinked. "What's the difference?" He rolled his eyes. "3 inches and 8 inches thick. Go fetch" Gon shrugged, then bounced outside. Kurapika gave him a curious look. "What are you planning to do with those?" Killua grinned. "Nothing much"

"I'm baaack!" Gon yelled, and handed him both items. Killua placed the branch down and carved three rings and a divot in the middle, then made an X. He sat back down at the table and Kurapika sighed. "Oh, you're just showing off aren't you" Vanessa and Finral both watched curiously as he slid his knife out. "Gon, throw this" he said, tossing the stick at him. He glanced from the makeshift bullseye to Killua, then smirked. "You know what I mean Gon, don't you dare toss it out the window." He sighed, then nodded. "Alright" Killua turned to both Finral and Vanessa, who were still confused. Killua activated En and then Gon tossed the stick in the air. "What's-" Killua timed it just right, cutting off Finral as he threw the knife over his shoulder and hit the X dead center. There was a thunk, and both of their jaws dropped. Killua leaned back and crossed his legs with a smirk. "Bullseye" Gon snorted. "Stop being cocky!" He huffed. "It's not being cocky, it's called having skill" He said with a wink. Get on my level bitch.

1598 words

To be continued...

ooof, I'm getting bored of this story :'D I need a new one- I've been doing this for hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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