38 The witch's forest

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Killua, Gon, Vanessa, Asta, Charmy, Nero, Captain Yami, Finral, and Noelle were in the dining hall the next afternoon. Killua had put his straight face up, nobody could tell the difference. Finral was necessary to get there, Yami needed to come because he was the captain, he had no clue why Asta was allowed to come, and Killua wouldn't go unless Gon came with. The girls came because it couldn't be all males, also Vanessa and Noelle knew their way around a bit. Charmy...she was there for support. "Alright gang, let's get this show on the road" Captain Yami said, turning to Finral. "Make us a gateway to directly outside the forest"

The forest was large and filled with witches. What would one expect though, it was literally called 'the forest of witches'. They flew on brooms around them and a few panicked and tried to attack them. Killua shot a bloodlust filled glare at one that tried to impale Gon with a sharp thorn. She gasped, then fell off her broom. His companions paused at this, watching with slight shock as Killua hissed. Gon ruffled his hair. "Oh come on, she didn't even lay a finger on me" Killua's eyes narrowed and he growled, too tired to say actual words right now. "h-how dare you invade our forest! Women are superio-" Killua's left eye twitched and she fell silent again. "If you want me to leave without getting a speck of blood on my hands then leave us the fuck alone" He said darkly. Gon laughed nervously and put his hand on his shoulder. "Hey now, let's not threaten them-"

He turned to look Gon in the eye. "it aint a fucking threat, it's a warning." If anyone so much as lay a finger on Gon, someone would be missing a limb while he was in this state. Gon coughed. "Oh right, yeah... let's get going before something bad happens" He said, before starting to walk faster. Killua kind of trailed after him half in a daze, it was hard to concentrate. Sure he could pull himself together for a few minutes but he'd leave that for when he met the queen. Goddamn it- Killua's innate danger sense spiked and he shoved Gon away from him. He was about to open his mouth when Killua got impaled with a steel spear in the side. "KILLUA!" Noelle yelled in alarm. He didn't waste a second, instead he tore said spear out of his body and hurled it back at the bitch who threw it. In his half dazed state, he ended up missing. Barely. He moved fast, not quite a blur but close enough.

Killua snarled and slid out his knife, bringing it down hard on her chest as she tumbled to the ground. A hand stopped him, and his arm quivered a little as he fought for dominance. "Killua I swear to god if you kill someone I'll smack you!" Bitch would've stabbed you! "Fucking witch bastard tried to kill you let me cut her fingers off" He hissed. Gon laughed nervously and pried the knife out of his hands, then lifted him bridal style. "That's a new one, never heard that threat before" He blushed a little but gave in to the soft comfort of him being in Gon's arms as he was brought back over to his mildly horrified companions. "he's injured!" Noelle cried worriedly. Gon snorted. "He can probably barely feel it. Hey Killua, how much does it hurt?" He blinked slowly. "What...hurt?" then his brain registered the blood on his clothes and he grumbled a little. "Damn it, fucking witch got my favorite outfit dirty-" Asta looked confused. "You got stabbed and all you care about is your clothing?"

"I honestly forgot" he mumbled, and Gon sighed. "His pain tolerance is so high that sometimes he forgets when he gets injured if something takes his mind off it. One time he broke his wrist but forgot literally 5 seconds later because he smelled chocolate" Killua's brain only registered one word. "Chocolate" He hissed, grabbing Gon's sleeve. "Where" Gon giggled and slipped out a candy bar from his pocket. "Eat this ok?" He was about to bite down when Gon shoved his face away and unwrapped it, it was then he realized his mistake. I'm starting to see things weird. This was definitely impairing his judgement. "You almost ate the freaking wrapper Killua" He scolded gently. "Whatever" He snapped, then munched down on the chocolate. About 5 minutes later he got his hair ruffled. "We're going to see the queen now" Killua grunted, then slid down and put his front up. They walked into some sort of treetop canopy throne room thing, and a witch in a fancy hat and makeup was sitting on it.

"What brings the bulls back here? I've heard a few witches saying they were attacked" she said, narrowing her eyes slightly. Killua scoffed. "We were attacked first. I was merely defending myself" He gestured to his injury. "Well your highness, Killua here is a rookie we picked up a few weeks ago" Vanessa said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "During his first mission he got impaled on cursed spikes, he hasn't been able to sleep for an entire week" Her eyebrows raised. "Why did you wait an entire week?" Gon smacked him on the back of the head. "Because this absolute idiot hid it from us. We only found out yesterday" He sighed. "It shouldn't be possible for you to be alive without any sleep for that amount of time without magical interference" A few of the bulls looked kind of alarmed at that but he scoffed. "I can stay awake for 3 days without impaired judgement or any sort of aftereffects without magic interference"

He rolled his eyes. "It's called training. Now, I do apologize for nearly stabbing one of your witches but in all fairness not only am I not thinking clearly right now but they tried to stab my friend first." The queen stiffened slightly. "You stabbed one of my witches?" Gon grabbed his hand. "I managed to stop him in time, and he did in fact apologize for it. Killua doesn't really apologize for things to be honest so be grateful" She thought for a moment. "Let me see your magic boy" He blinked, then shrugged. "Whatever" He activated Godspeed and bolted around the room once, before landing back where he stood and deactivating it again. "Good enough your royal majesty highness person? Sorry I'm not good with honorifics. We don't exactly have queens or royalty where we come from. Also the sleep deprivation, please don't take it the wrong way" He said with a slight yawn. She waved a hand. "I suppose I can let it slide. You all can stay the night as well if you wish"

A few sighs of relief, he was tempted but decided to hold it in. "I can heal your wounds as well while you're at it" He stepped forward as she pulled out her grimoire, then flipped to a page. "Curse-Breaking Blood Cocoon" He might have been horrified if he wasn't used to blood, it surrounded him in a circle and lifted him upwards as it started to patch up his wound. He felt his stamina draining a little, but he also felt something else. He felt his back stop hurting. It was such a small pain that he hadn't realized until the moment it was no longer there, and he was certain. I'm free.

He was rested back on the ground, and Killua stumbled slightly as he panted. "Killua!" Gon ran to his side, helping him up. He gritted his teeth and sagged back into his arms. "Damn, my back hurts less" Gon blinked. "it was still hurting?" He shrugged. "Not anymore" Then Gon beamed and lifted him up, before starting to walk away. "We're gonna get you some nice sleep, and then we're going to go back to the hideout and maybe go on another mission, doesn't that sound fun?" Vanessa looked doubtful. "A mission directly after this? I doubt-" Killua grinned. "Hell yeah, can't wait to beat the shit out of people who deserve it. That's always fun. Hey Gon can we go pedophile hunting? That's my favorite game-" Gon put a hand over his mouth. "That makes you sound psychotic" He said worriedly. Asta gulped. "Hunting? Like, stabbing? Violently?" Gon sighed. "No. well, maybe. It honestly depends on his mood" Killua chuckled and a few of his squadmates sweatdropped.

There were only three rooms, so they sectioned it off. Gon, Killua, Asta, and Finral were in one. Captain Yami had one to himself for some reason, and all the girls shared the third. There were only three beds, which he didn't exactly mind. Finral was about to suggest to teleport another bed with the help of Asta when Gon grinned. "It isn't the first time we've slept in the same bed right Killua?" Killua blushed a little with a grumble. "No, but this one's so fucking small. There's not enough room-" Gon pulled him down by the waist and wrapped his arms around Killua, spooning him. He flushed and shot a glare over his shoulder. "Gon, what the hell are you doing?" He giggled. "Snuggle!" He groaned. "Do I have a choice?" Gon giggled and snuggled his face into the back of his shoulder. "Nope!" Killua let out a deep sigh. "I'm too tired to argue" He mumbled, before closing his eyes and falling into a deep, dreamless, sleep.

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To be continued...

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