39 Betrayal and the horrifying truth

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It was early next morning and Killua got out of bed without a sound. His body moved on its own even though his mind was still asleep and his eyes were closed. His feet walked deliberately and quietly to the throne room where the queen of witches was waiting. "Right on time" she said with a cruel smile. She slid off her throne and walked over, then placed a hand on his chest. "A boy without magic who can summon lightning, is this the 'unnatural thunder' from my vision?" She mused to herself, then took a step back. "Summon your power for me boy" Killua's hands opened, and electricity crackled around his palms. She put a hand to her mouth. "Hmmm, what is the source of this power I wonder?"

Gon woke up with a yawn, then almost instantly realized that Killua wasn't there. He sat up quickly, body going rigid. "Asta, Finral, wake up" he said, alarm ringing in his tone. The former groaned in his sleep while the latter mumbled and shoved his face into his pillow. Gon dragged both off the bed and they awoke with yells of shock. "What the hell man!" Finral shouted, then his eyes fell on his face. Gon's expression was tense and worried. "Killua wasn't here when I woke up" Did the curse not heal? Where the hell is he? Then he caught his scent. Finral ducked into a portal and yelled something, he heard the noise echo from two doors down before he stepped back in again about 3 minutes later. "the girls haven't seen him, nobody heard anything." He said. Gon growled and started walking. "Where are you going?"

"I'm following his scent" Gon replied, sniffing a few times before continuing on. Nero burst out of the room and grabbed his arm. "Gon, do this rationally" He clenched his fists, taking a few deep breaths. Everyone except for Captain Yami was out there with him now. "I'm perfectly calm Nero, but so help me if that bitch didn't heal him I'm going to throw hands" He said in a dark tone. His squadmates took a step back, Gon had never been like this. Killua was the menacing one, Gon was the little ray of sunshine that always had a smile on his face. He had never felt more calm in his life. Gon followed his scent, it went along the hallways until he walked into the throne room where the trail ended. Gon froze. Killua was standing in the middle of the throne room, feet set apart at shoulder width and hands hanging by his sides. And he was sleeping.

The queen of witches flipped through her grimoire and threads of blood whipped around and restrained each of the people who entered the room. "W-What are you doing?" Vanessa shouted in alarm. A few of the other bulls also shouted but the queen held up a hand and they all fell silent. "This boy, has not a drop of magic in him" she said. Gon froze. Can she sense it? Damn it this might be bad- "That is not possible, he can use magic" Nero said. The queen's eyes turned to him. "You don't either, green haired boy." The bulls fell silent. "So tell me, where does your power come from?" Gon enforced his arms with Nen and wrenched them apart, but he couldn't break free of the bonds. "Why is Killua standing there with his eyes closed?" He said in a low voice. She narrowed her eyes slightly at him. "I'm controlling him with my blood magic"

Ice ran through his veins. If he...wakes up. Gon's fists clenched. "You have to let him go. Right now" She scoffed. "And why should I?" He looked up and locked eyes with her. "If he wakes up, there will be blood" He said, completely deadpan. The queen was silent for a few moments. "Was that a threat?" He shook his head slowly. "it's a fact" whether it be yours or his, blood will spill. I pray it's yours. "Anyways, he can't. whoever gets under my control is completely helpless" He gritted his teeth. "To a normal person, maybe" His squadmates shot him alarmed, worried, or confused looks. Gon let his eyes fall. "I'll ask you one more time. Please, let him go" there was nothing more he could do at this point. I can't let him be controlled, I have to help him. When he got no answer, a tear rolled down his cheek. I have to wake him up.

"G-Gon?" He glared up at the witch queen with determination in his eyes. "Then so be it" He took a few deep breaths, then gritted his teeth. "Gon, what are you doing?" Nero asked. He let his knees fold beneath him. "Waking him up" He said simply. The queen looked down her nose at him. "I'm telling you, It's impossible" He didn't know what the consequences would be, but he knew they would be severe. But...he had to do this. Gon breathed hard for a few seconds, squeezing his eyes shut and forcing his breath to get faster and faster to where he was almost hyperventilating. "Gon wha-" He let out a scream, it startled and severely alarmed everyone around. It was a strangled scream. One of pain, fear, and anger. Killua's eyes snapped open.

Killua's eyes opened, and he yelled. "GON!" his brain took a moment to register the scene. His squadmates were wrapped in viscus red binding, Gon was on his knees with tears streaming down his face, the queen of witches was beside him with a horrified expression. What's...happening? Why'd he scream? Then his eyes started to roll back in his head. He was aware of his body, some sounds, but nothing else. W-What the hell!? "How did he wake up? Nobody can escape my puppet bloodflow spell" Puppet...bloodflow? White hot fear coursed through him when he realized what was happening. I can't see, Gon screamed, wh- Then his body started to move. N-No. No. NO. NO! Killua's nightmare flashed through his head. He was walking forward, he could hear the yelling and shouting. "KILLUA WAKE UP!" Gon yelled, from only a few meters away.

Killua's body froze. He let out a low growl, and his right hand sharpened. "P-Please, stop this" Vanessa's voice said from nearby. "He...stopped." The queen said, in confusion. I will not. His hand raised, and there was more shouting. "Stop!", "What are you doing?", "Let him go!" I refuse to be used as a toy! Then he drove his hand into his own chest. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?", "STOP YOUR HURING HIM!", "He's moving on his own! I didn't tell him to do that!" The witch queen yelled over the noise. Silence fell as pain shot through his body he could feel the queen trying to remove his claws but it didn't work. And then, his eyes rolled forward and he could see again. He was no longer under control. Killua dropped his hand, looking into Gon's wide horrified eyes. "I would rather tear myself to pieces, then ever let my body become a weapon. Ever again" Then he fell to his knees, the events of the past few days plus the panic and blood loss were catching up to him. "I thought I told you to run" He whispered, before falling sideways and finally losing consciousness.

Gon watched in horror as Killua fell. H-He...he tried to kill himself. Sure he missed anything vital, but if he hadn't... Nobody spoke for a long while, but instead of horror, fear, and confusion he felt fury pumping through his veins. T-That bitch. "WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG WITH YOU?" Gon yelled. The witch queen's eyes narrowed. "Excuse me?" He felt a few more tears roll down his cheek. "Killua just tried to fucking kill himself, the hell do you mean 'excuse me?' you self centered sadistic bitch!" Vanessa looked fearfully over at him. "Gon stop, you can't-" Gon's restraints snapped. "It's not like I was using him to kill anybody-" Gon clenched his fists. "He didn't know that." Gon said, voice shaking slightly. "he overreacted-" Gon slammed a fist into the wall, a few people shouted and gasped in alarm when the entire wall crumbled. "TRY BEING USED AS A FUCKING TOY ALL YOUR LIFE. HE WAS FORCED TO KILL PEOPLE AGAINST HIS WILL!"

There was a shocked and horrified silence. "Hundreds of innocent people, and he blames himself. I just got him out of hating himself for all the awful things he's done and you just HAD to bring up those awful memories" He said furiously, hands trembling a little. "His greatest fear, is being manipulated into killing his best friend. What do you think he thought when he saw himself approaching me when he couldn't move his own body?" Nobody spoke, they were still wrapping their heads around this awful truth. "Now tell me, do you really think he overreacted all that much?" Gon knelt down and lifted Killua's body up, placing a hand on the wound in an attempt to stanch the blood flow. The smell was horrible, it filled his nose and he couldn't smell anything else. "I'm usually not one to be this way, but I hope you rot in hell bitch" Then he threw his knife, and it buried itself directly into her shoulder. She fell, but made no noise as he went to retrieve it. He locked eyes with her, which were dark and void of emotions except for a flash of anger every now and again. "For your sake, let's hope we never meet again"

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To be continued...

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