5 Weird ass eyeshadow and a journey begins

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With the straight facts presented to him, he was a lot less anxious. Sure it hurt that he was away from Gon, but he knew that his best friend would search the entire world to find him. Killua slid his plush back into his bag, then put his knife in his pocket as he slipped it over his shoulders. Killua looked down at the bird, who was huddled on his leg. Killua smiled softly. "You don't have to stick around me little bird" He noticed something then, it was a drawing. Killua picked it up, then blinked at what he saw. It was a picture of a bird, the same one that was perched on his leg at this very moment. He could tell because of the hornish shaped feathers on its head, he'd seen other birds that looked like it and none of them had anything like it. "Nero" he murmured, then glanced over at the bird. "That's your name?" Nero stood up, stretching her wings. I think that's a yes. He stroked her head a little. "Well, fly free Nero. Don't worry about me" he wondered if it was someone else's pet, if it was named the someone who lived around here must own it right?

Nero poked his nose again with her beak, then fluttered off. He sat there for a few moments, contemplating. I don't really feel like talking anymore. Killua made his way back to the church, it was nearly dinnertime. He kept on a monotone expression, not feeling like showing his sadness. His anxiety had put a damper on his more or less good mood since he got here, and Killua knew it would only get worse. It's better not to set high expectations, then close off. "Killua!" he looked up to see Sister lily waving from the doorway. "Dinner was served ten minutes ago, better come before you're Nomotatos get cold!" He walked right by her without a word, and she frowned slightly as she looked after him. "Killua?"

Everybody was staring at him as he ate in silence, usually he directed the conversation with stories from where he was from during this time. "You alright?" He didn't look up as he responded. "Fine" Killua said, in a monotone voice. He didn't eat fast, but he didn't eat slow. When he was done, Killua excused himself and went up to the children's room. They all had to share, and he was contemplating sleeping outside tonight. Killua slipped one of his photos out of his bag, it was a picture of Gon. He sat down heavily on the bed, then stared down at his Gon picture. Killua felt tears sting his eyes. Damn it. Once the thought entered his mind, he couldn't get rid of it. The thought that he'd never see Gon again. The tears that had threatened to come out cascaded down his face completely unbidden, and he gritted his teeth. "Damn it" Killua muttered bitterly, left hand clenching into a fist.

He cried for a few more minutes. The hole in his chest ached, it was a deep chasm that just kept getting wider and wider. He'd been able to ignore it, build a bridge for a while. But, his panic attack earlier had caused an earthquake, shifting the edges further and further away to where it could no longer be ignored.

Damn it. Killua squeezed his eyes shut and put a hand to his mouth, trying to muffle the noises he was starting to make as he cried. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder and stiffened. "Home sick?" Killua wiped his eyes and shot Sister lily a glare over his shoulder. "Fuck off" She looked hurt for a second, then gave him a smile. "I'm sure you'll find home eventually" He felt his anger melting, and he wiped his eyes again as he turned back to the picture. "But...what if I can't" He said, voice breaking slightly. "I- He- He's my only..." Killua couldn't finish his sentence, he grabbed the closest item that he could, which happened to be a metal cross. He clenched his fist, rending the metal and snapping part of it clean off. I need, to hit something. Full strength. He gathered himself, dropping the photo and opening the window. "What are you-" Killua ignored the gasp as he leapt out, then landed with his legs slightly bent on the ground below.

He ran, and kept running as fast as he could for a while. He paused when he came across a mountain, then wiped his eyes again. Killua let out a yell, slamming his fist into the rock. The stone near his fist shattered, and a good portion broke and crumbled as it fell. There was a loud crashing noise and a few trees got smashed by the falling debris. Blood trickled between his fingers, and he lifted a huge boulder. Killua slammed it into the ground, shattering into a million tiny pieces. He panted a little, honestly his mind felt clearer after taking his anger out. He turned, then reinforced his straightened hand with Nen. He chopped sideways, shearing the trunk in half and causing it to topple with a loud thud. He grinned, then kept wrecking the landscape. It was starting to become kind of fun, and he felt his sadness melt away.

"Hey kid!" He paused in the middle of felling another tree, blinking over his shoulder. There was a mage on a broom, and they had a cloak. The cloak was red and he had spikey ish orange hair and some weird ass red eyeshadow. He flew down, "I heard reports of someone wrecking Nakuto mountain, did you see them?" he put on a monotone expression, then slammed his fist into the tree. The guy's eyes went wide as it collapsed. He put his hands behind his head as he turned to look at the mage. "That'd be me" He glanced around at the destruction, then pointed to the mountain. "You can't just destroy landmarks" Does it look like I care? He shrugged. "Just letting off some steam. Better to fell a tree then a building full of people now isn't it?" he was silent for a few seconds. "You have a great point" he muttered, then dropped off his broom and stood. "That looks like a magic knight robe, which one is it? I'm new around here" He grinned. "The crimson lions! I'm Leopold Vermillion!" Vermillion. I've heard that name before.

"You must have some crazy strong magic if you were able to wreck that mountain by yourself" he shrugged, crackling a little bit of electricity between his fingertips. "Not much" He grinned, then a burst of fire came from his hands. "I use flame magic! Hey, what's your name?" He blinked. "Killua Zoldyck" If he was across the sea, nobody would know his name. He patted Killua on the head, which annoyed him. But this was a magic knight, and he couldn't just snap at him if he was trying to get in could he? "Well I gotta go now. Behave yourself alright?" Killua felt a tick mark appear on his forehead. I'm not a damn child- He shrugged, then turned. Leopold flew away on his broom, leaving Killua alone in the forest. He made his way back to the demon skull, then climbed into a tree. He quickly fashioned a hammock made of what he found and Nen binding, then lay down. He closed his eyes, and fell into a peaceful sleep.

"KILLUA!" he snapped awake, eyes wide. Gon! Then he paused, seeing Father Orsi searching through the woods. It was the middle of the knight, and he was grumpy. "Up here" He said flatly. Father Orsi soared up on his broom, about to scold him. Then he paused, looking at the makeshift hammock. "Wh-" he shot him a glare. "I'm trying to sleep. Shut the hell up and go home" He snapped, before laying back down with a grumble. "Why-" he sighed. "I'm used to sleeping outside, go to bed" he said tiredly, and closed his own eyes. "Alright" there was a whoosh, and his presence was gone. Killua sighed, then fell back asleep.

"SQUAWK!" Killua groaned, swatting at the offender. His hands brushed against something briefly before he got poked sharply again. Goddamn it- Killua growled, sitting up and snatching whoever kept prodding him "Who the-" Killua blinked. Nero was struggling in his grip. "Oh, it's just you" He let go of her wings and she fluttered down to perch on a nearby branch. Killua sighed, combing his hair with his fingers. "Morning already?" He patted Nero on the head. "Not that a bird cares, but I like sleeping outside" He huffed, then looked up. "Exam's in three days. Maybe I should start going" he thought for a moment. "I need a grimoire though to go don't I?" He shrugged. "I mean I could just steal one and pretend it's mine, nobody could tell the difference right?"

Approximately ten minutes later, he was holding a grimoire in his hands. Apparently if you went to the tower a book wouldn't come unless it chose you, so he ended up having to steal it from someone. It was originally a cloud magic grimoire, so he just painted on lightning bolts to make it his own. Nero was looking at his disapprovingly and he waved a hand. "Dude was an absolute asshole aight? I did this town a favor by liberating his fancy book. He'd probably use it to be a pervert or something, dunno how that'd work but you get it right?" He found that he enjoyed talking to Nero, she was a great companion. "Alright, better say my goodbyes." he made his way over to the church, and suddenly Father Orsi started yelling. "Killua! You're gonna be late! Get-" he waved a hand. "Relax" then he handed him about 500 gold coins, the currency around here was weird. "Take this and do something useful"

His eyes widened, "How did you-" He turned, and walked away. Pickpocketing, but you don't need to know that. So he started off, with Nero soaring ahead of him. Whenever he had to check a map, he realized that Nero was actually leading him in the right direction. Is she sentient? Well, she can't speak, but I wonder... He slipped his map into his backpack and shrugged, picking up the pace.

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To be continued...

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