16 Vanessa Vs Killua

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He was on his way out of the alleyway, when the old woman passed by. Asta sputtered for a second for some unknown reason, he ignored it. "Hey" All three people looked at him, and Killua let an eager glint enter his eyes. "Ohohoho, come back to me for more?" The other two were enormously confused, but Asta was half freaking out for some reason still. What's up with him? Killua reached in hi bag and pulled out his remaining 20 Yule. "Take my money" The old lady laughed, then took his Yule and swapped it for another jar of those delicious chocolates. "How nice of you, actually coming to visit like you said you would" Killua licked his lips and shoved a chocolate in his mouth. "Mh" just as good as I remember. "how could I pass up these homemade treats? Maybe for my next payday..." He trailed off, then shrugged. "Have a nice day boy" She said, then walked off. He walked away, going to enjoy his chocolate in peace. I love that old hag.

Later that day he'd stopped back by the hideout, Finral had gone looking for them and he dropped through the portal. "Done already?" a few of the bulls looked up, Asta and Noelle were already back. He popped another chocolate into his mouth, the jar was already half empty. "No. I'm getting myself kidnapped tomorrow" Finral's eyes went wide. "YOUR USING YOURSELF AS BAIT?" Asta nodded. "He's really good at acting!" He rubbed the back of his head. "At first I thought he was actually a different person, or that he had a split personality or something" He admitted. "Really?" Luck said with interest. He pointed to Finral. "Tomorrow, 7:00. You, here." A tick mark appeared on his forehead. "but I'm your superior!" He snapped his fingers and pointed down, like he was commanding a dog. "here" Before Finral could complain again, he left.

Killua decided to clean a few things in his room finally. One dresser for his clothes, a table, and a chair. He set his jar and 6 strapped bag down on the table, then activated Godspeed and made one of those conditioned trap things. The condition was, 'anything who enters this ring gets fried' sure it might be a near pointless waste of Nen, but it did two very important things. 1, it kept the bugs away. And 2, it kept people from stealing his chocolate. He also put his bag inside the circle as well, he hated snooping. Since it was made of Nen, he was pretty sure it would just show up as a bunch of sparks to the magic users. Or maybe it would be completely concealed, he didn't know. Anyways, he left his room in search of something to do. When he made his way down the stairs, his eyes caught on something. It was Vanessa. Well, not the fact that she was just in her underwear and bra, but what she was doing. She was lounging on a couch, sipping from one of her bottles. Something to do.

He walked over, Killua was currently in his usual outfit. He probably needed a new one, but it was the only one he had for now besides his undercover one. "Killua?" Vanessa said, blinking over at him. He settled down on the couch next to her, then snagged one of the bottles that was resting on a table nearby. She grinned. "Come to have a few drinks with me?" Killua crossed his legs, leaning back. "A few" He said, before uncapping the bottle. Vanessa reached down onto her side and grabbed out a glass, before offering it to him. "You might need one of these" He blinked, before taking it. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Finral asked nervously. He ignored Finral, and Vanessa gave him a wink. "Relax Finral, nobody except Captain Yami ever drinks with me. Plus he's only 15, that's not too far underage" Finral was about to say something when he chuckled, causing them both to look in his direction. "First to 5 wins?" Vanessa smirked. "It's on"

He was about to discard the cup when Vanessa shook her finger. "Ah Ah Ah, you have to use the cup, 'else it's not fair. I've seen how fast you can down a wine bottle" Killua shrugged, then he slipped 20 Yule out of his pocket and placed it on the table. "Bet?" She grinned, throwing down 20 of her own. Finral muttered something under his breath as he walked away. A few people stopped what they were doing to watch such as Charmy, Grey, Gordon, Asta, and Luck. Luck laughed and zipped over, floating on his electric magic a little. "3!" he poured into his glass, Vanessa did the same. "2!" He held his cup at the ready, this money was his. "1, Go!" He knocked it back, Vanessa did as well. Killua kept pouring and knocking back the glasses like they were shots, Vanessa wasn't as fast drinking but she was an expert and pouring quickly. Killua had to be careful and try not to break the glass, it was very flimsy.

"Go Go Go!", "Oh man there neck and neck!", "Look at 'em go!", "Who's gonna win?", "My bet's on Vanessa!", "Nah Killua's gonna do it", "mumble mumble mumble", "What the hell's going on here?" The rest of the squad paused to look at Yami, but him and Vanessa were still going at it. However, Vanessa was starting to slow. The alcohol was definitely affecting her, but Killua stayed at the same pace. "Their having some sort of drinking contest" Luck answered, with that big ass smile still on his face. Killua poured his last glass of his final bottle and knocked it back, then slammed his hand down on the money. "This'd be my money now" Vanessa protested weakly, then finished her last bottle. "Aw mannn! How're you so- uh" She put a hand to her head. Killua smirked slightly, "Acting's my strong suit" not that he really was, but hopefully sometime later she'd challenge him to see how much they could go without getting drunk. Yami laughed, "Never thought you two'd get along so well"

He smirked a little, then placed his new money in his bag. "I never lose a bet" He said, winking at Vanessa. She chuckled. "We'll see about that next time kiddo" You know what? That was kinda fun. He let a small amount of emotion show on his face, then he sighed. "Kinda wished you had some vodka or something-" Vanessa blinked. "Vodka?" He let out a deep sigh. "Drink where I'm from" Vanessa's eyes lit up. "Ooh, maybe we can get some imported. I love trying exotic booze" He shrugged. "Maybe" He heard Finral mutter something in the background. "They get along a little too well" he quickly checked the time, it was 7:45. He stood up, stretching a little. "M' gonna go crash now. seeya" he walked out the door, a few people questioned why he was going outside but Magna and Asta explained how he preferred to sleep outside in a tree instead of his dirty room.

He exited the hideout, then Nero came soaring overhead. Killua blinked, then held out a finger. She swooped down and landed on it, then poked his nose in the usual greeting. "So I've been wondering" He said, squinting a little. "Can you speak in the bird form?" Nero nodded. "Yes" the voice is a little different but more or less the same I guess. "Your easy to talk to for some reason" he contemplated, Killua had dropped his cold demeanor whenever he was alone with the bird. "Anyways, there's some sick bastard who's kidnapping children" He said. Nero blinked. "Your first mission?" He nodded, then gritted his teeth. "I can't stand people who take advantage of children. There's not many things that tick me off, that's one of them" He said, eyes flashing. Nero tilted her head to the side. "You always seem sensitive when it comes to things like that, is there a reason why?"

Killua looked away, clenching his jaw. "My family... they treat their kids like weapons. Like objects" He growled. "People are not things. Especially children." He hauled himself into the tree he had taken to sleeping on, scowling. "My little sister's power is dangerous. So dangerous that they lock her in the basement and say she's 'not part of the family' " He spat, Nero fluttered down to sit on a branch, listening quietly. She already knew half of his story just by sticking with him for so long, and he needed to vent somehow. "My parents...are assassins" He said quietly. Nero's eyes widened slightly, and he laughed bitterly. "They had such high hopes for me. That I'd become the heir, that I'd be the greatest assassin in the history of the Zoldycks" He rested his head on his knees. "I didn't want to kill people but... I didn't really have a choice"

He looked down at his hands, before sharpening them into claws. "I was trained since I was three. Trained to be immune to poison, to tolerate pain, to go for days without sleep, the correct way to torture someone, anything you could possibly think of." Killua let his hands soften, then dug his nails into his palm. "You've seen my back right?" Nero nodded, kind of hesitantly. He chuckled darkly. "That's what my family calls, 'training'. Getting whipped, electrocuted, injected with poisons, torture pretty much. " Killua huffed. "yeah you'll probably run away, they all do when I talk about my parents. Surprised you haven't already, I don't talk about my personal life often" He felt a smile grace his face. "But Gon...Gon didn't. he didn't care that my parents were assassins, or that I killed people" A tear rolled down his cheek. "He didn't stick by me to use me, or for protection or because he wanted to turn me in. He did it because...because he wanted to be my friend" He sniffled a little. "He was my first...and my only. Sure his other friends don't mind me, we get along just fine. But...he's the only one I really trust. The only one I need" He felt a faint hint of a blush crawl up his cheeks, but he ignored it. "Gon is light...And I can't live without him"

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To be continued...

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