29 Royalty?

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Another day passed, Killua hadn't slept at all that night. He was too terrified to close his eyes, but the longer he deprived himself sleep the more noticeable it became. He was standing next to Gon who was listening to Gordon talk about something. He didn't know why he liked Gordon, but Gon talked with him often for some reason. Vanessa and Luck were chatting about something nearby as well, but he wasn't really paying attention. Killua slid an arm around Gon's shoulder, leaning on him a little. Gon blinked over at him for a second before continuing to talk to Gordon. So...soft. "K....u...a" He hadn't noticed how soft Gon was to lean on, it was kind of nice. "K...l...u..." Maybe- "Killua!" He snapped out of his trance to see Vanessa, Luck, and Gon looking at him with a worried expression. "Hm?" Gon frowned slightly. "I called you five times, your usually more perceptive than that" He huffed, then Gon removed his arm from around him. "Also you never show affection, at least around other people. Is something wrong?"

Killua blinked, then shook his head. "nah, just thinking about the delicious choco-robos I'm missing out on" He lied, looking out into the distance and licking his lips. Gon snorted. "Of course your daydreaming about candy" He huffed, "I miss my fucking choco-robos!" He complained, which was true. Gon snickered and patted him on the head. "Now now Killua, you'll get them soon enough. Once we find a way back home at least." He rolled his eyes. "Fat chance of that happening anytime soon. How much longer can I get a damn audience with that wizard king guy?" Luck spoke up. "Usually if you do something awesome the wizard king awards stars! Sometimes you get to speak with him too, although Asta's usually the one who goes for some reason. Man I'd love for a chance to fight the wizard king" He growled. "Some Uno bitch said he could arrange it for me but I declined, part of me wishes I took his offer" Gon frowned slightly. "Uno? What kind of name is that?" Vanessa chuckled. "He means Yuno, the big shot rookie in the golden dawn. Apparently he and Asta are childhood friends or something"

Killua growled. "he gets on my nerves!" Gon blinked. "Why?" He rolled his eyes. "So I was just minding my own damn business and heading into the church to get some Nomotatos when he fucking flew over and demanded to know why I was there. He wouldn't let me enter the damn building!" Killua said with a huff. "He wouldn't come down and fight me like a man so I snatched the edge of his broom and pulled him down, Sister Lily broke us apart before I had the chance to beat his ass" Killua snorted. "His little 'spirit guardian' is a winged bitchy fairy thing. She was pretty weak though, I just grabbed her by the wings and she couldn't do shit. Well, she blew a fuck ton of air in my face but that was about it." Gon smacked him. "You have respect issues!" He snorted. "Acted like a stuck up noble"

Asta yelled from somewhere nearby. "Yuno's not stuck up! And he's not a noble. He's actually a commoner like me!" Killua shot him a glare and he yelped a little. "That windy bitch has more mana flowing off him then most people I've ever seen. Hell, I saw a royal who had less than him." Killua started. "As much as I hate him, his power's fucking insane! He sure as hell isn't a commoner. Must have had big parents that someone wanted dead or something" There was silence for a few moments. "Did you just say he was strong? That's saying something. You never give out compliments to other people unless it's for candy" He huffed and crossed his arms. "It's not a fucking compliment, it's a fact." Then he grinned. "I wonder how hard it would be to beat him in a fight. Might be fun to find out" Gon's eyes gleamed. "Wait! Can I fight him? Pleeaaase Killua? If you won't let me fight you then he might be a challenge."

"H-hey! What about me! He's my rival! I'm just as strong as him!" Killua scoffed. "You may have muscles but when someone overpowers you in strength your beat. I don't even need my magic to defeat you, your greatest assets are your strength and being able to rip through magic like tissue paper." Asta's eyes widened a little. Gon nodded. "Sure your strong and really tough, but if someone's physically stronger than you as well as more experienced in combat and you don't have any more tricks up your sleeve then you'd lose." he beamed and grabbed Killua's hand. "Killua would win that fight so easy! Might be a little harder for me though because I'm not as fast and I'm used to hand to hand combat instead of swords and stuff" Gon admitted. Asta deflated a little, and he let out a sigh. "Asta's not weak!" Noelle yelled from across the room. Killua rolled his eyes. "I didn't say he was weak, just that he's not on our level."

Gon blinked at him. "You've been in quite a few near death experiences right? Definitely more than anyone else here" Asta looked confused and slightly shocked. "I- uhh...yes? But how could you tell that?" He snorted. "Those are what make you strong. When your back's up against the wall and all hope seems lost is when you push your limits and get stronger" He put a hand on Gon's shoulder. "You're not born strong, you have to earn it. Why the hell do you think me and Gon are so off the charts?" There was a slightly shocked silence. Gon nodded. "What was that Bisky always said? 'Trauma builds character?' " Something that the bulls were learning very quickly was that these two were not normal. These children had issues and it was becoming more and more apparent with each time they spoke.

Killua grinned. "That's why I'm stronger then you." Gon giggled. "Are you bragging about having trauma?" He scoffed. "Who the fuck doesn't? listen Gon it's what makes me able to do shit like jump off rooftops and catch knives. I think I have every right to brag about my strength." Asta gulped. "I'm afraid of what's on the other side of the sea" He waved that off. "Ah it's not too bad. Ya know, just as long as you're not a Zoldyck or attempt the hunter's exam." Gon tugged on his sleeve. "Killua" He glanced over at him. "yeah?" Gon giggled. "Did you know that your classified as royalty?" A few people gasped or muttered to each other, but Killua shook his head. "I'm not a royal Gon" He brought out a book titled 'The Clover Kingdom For Dummies' and flipped to a specific page. "Royals are people from wealthy families who was immense power and are respected and feared throughout the entire kingdom. They usually live in big estates and have servants as well as many people requesting things from them"

Gon pointed to him. "Doesn't that kinda sound like your family?" He blinked as Gon continued. "Your rich, powerful, have influence, a massive estate, tons of servants, your definitely respected and feared, people request jobs from you guys all the time too" Then he grinned. "They also tend to be skilled in diplomacy and fancy speech. I've seen the way you sit Killua, you sit like a royal. No, you are royalty." There was dead silence for a while as Killua processed this. "I- Well you're not wrong" He admitted. "but you're not right either. We don't have royalty where we come from." Gon rolled his eyes. "Whatever" Then he sulked a little. "By the description in my book it says I'm a commoner though. Maybe that's why your so much stronger than me" Killua shot him a glare. "Don't let this royalty and nobility bullshit get to you. Fuck the royals and the nobles, I bet given the chance you could beat the shit out of a few royals"

Gon's eyes gleamed. "Awwe! You're so sweet!" He blushed a little and looked away with crossed arms. "Just stating the obvious baka, and if anyone calls you a commoner I might just connect my fist with their face at full strength" Gon smacked him. "Killua you'd kill them! Or at the very least leave them scarred for life, please don't do that" He rolled his eyes. "Fine, half strength in the kneecap. Leave 'em crippled at least" Gon gave him a look and he sighed. "Fine! I won't give out severe injuries." Then he grinned with a slight eye twitch. "but you can't stop me from hitting them" Gon shrugged. "That's good enough I guess, I know I can't stop you from being you but you're supposed to be a magic knight now. Please try to act like one" He blinked. "What's that supposed to mean?" He snorted. "No pickpocketing, no setting things on fire, no giving people death threats unless they attacked first, no stabbing people for looking at me weird, no starting fights, no assaulting people-"

Killua growled. "But-" Gon shot him a glare. "No, not even if their assholes who kick children. It works differently around here and you can't just severely injure someone without a decent reason as to why. Now I side with you on most of the times you hurt people because it's justified in my opinion, but that doesn't mean that people see it the same way here. Hell it might even be illegal" He pointed out. He gritted his teeth and looked away. Damn it he's right. He hadn't thought about that before. Killua had just assumed that what was legal and illegal were the same since he hadn't been chastised for anything before. "Fuck, I didn't think about it like that." He couldn't just do whatever the hell he wanted and rely on his hunter's license, that's not how it worked around here. Damn it.

1683 words

To be continued...

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