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It was Machi. Fucking Machi was here. She chuckled, then turned. "Nice to see you boys again, had a feeling you'd be here" The tied up members of the squad fell into a tense silence. "Machi" He hissed, eyes narrowing slightly. Gon gripped his arm a little harder, they both knew this wouldn't be easy. They had faced Machi before, it didn't end well the first time. We don't stand a chance. Killua held up a finger behind his back. 'Gon, run' His eyes widened slightly. "No" He hissed. Killua shoved him backwards and Gon gritted his teeth, before bolting. "How nice of you, sacrificing your life to save your friend?" Machi said with a cruel smile. All I can do is stall. Could Yami even lay a scratch on her? Damn it I don't know what to do! His face fell into a monotone expression and he bolted in the direction of Finral, if only he could get him free-

"Nice try" Threads wrapped around his wrists, binding them together in an instant. Killua dislocated his bones to get free but before he could make another move Machi's arms looped around his shoulders and held him in place with a thread to his neck. "I wonder if I'll get a better price for you dead or alive Zoldyck" She said coldly. He scoffed. "What use would I be dead? The second you end my life you'll have my entire family after you" Half of that was a bluff, he wasn't 100% sure about that. Killua was sweating a little, but he could bluff to stall time. "Especially my little brother. He's one of you right?" She hummed in thought. "I suppose." There was a flash of feathers. "Killua!" Nero squawked. Machi looked up. "A talking bird? How unusual" I told Nero about the spiders, I just need to tip her off with a clue and she'll understand. "Planning on kidnapping me again and taking me back to the rest of the spiders? Well that would be pointless" He said smoothly.

Nero and him locked eyes for a second, before she soared away. Machi chuckled. "And why is that?" He turned his head to look her defiantly in the eye. "Because my brother will beat your ass" As much as I hate Illumi, he'd kill Machi for this most likely. "Kalluto? He's far from my level" She said with slight amusement. He grinned. "I mean the other one" Machi stiffened slightly, then tightened the thread a little around his neck. "LET HIM GO!" Asta yelled from the top of the stairs. She turned her eyes to him and he froze from the coldness in her stare. "Keep quiet, you're not important" Killua gritted his teeth slightly. "If you lay a finger on them you'll have a knife in the gut before you can blink" Machi smiled slightly. "Was that a threat? From your position?" The string tightened a little more and he felt blood drip down his throat. "How cute"

A wall broke in with a bang as Gon kicked it down, a bolt of fear shot through him. Dumbass! "let Killua go!" He yelled, glaring at Machi. The thread loosened ever so slightly, just enough for him to speak. "I thought I told you to run idiot!" He let out a slight growl as the Nen thread tightened again. "I wonder how much Hisoka would pay me to get his hands on this one" Rage coursed through his veins, he didn't give a damn about how much it would hurt to speak. "I don't give a damn if it kills me in the process, I'll slit your throat without a moment's hesitation" He snarled. Suddenly there was gasp, and Machi's string loosened slightly. His eyes snapped behind him and saw that her mouth was open, eyes wide, and the scent of blood hit the air. He didn't so much as flinch as she fell sideways, landing in a pool of blood on the ground.

"Number 3 down" He turned, knowing what he was going to see. It was Kurapika, standing in the doorway, a hand out, eyes scarlet. I feel relived but nervous at the same time. "H-Hey man" Kurapika's scarlet eyes faded as he walked over, there was silence as he smacked Killua across the face. "You should know better than to engage in combat with someone that experienced and powerful than you" He scolded. Killua shot him a glare. "The fuck was I supposed to do in that situation! Run? No way in hell" Killua kicked Machi's dead body. "Congrats by the way. For your little-", "WHAT THE FUCK?" Magna shouted. Kurapika blinked, then looked around at all the recovering black bulls. "Oh, you made friends" He flushed. "E-Excuse me? No I didn't!" Kurapika chuckled. "Then why'd you fight?" Killua scowled. "I don't like them, shut up" Gon snickered from his place beside him. "Not even Vanessa? You guys hang out all the time!" Kurapika's eyebrows raised. "Killua? Getting along with a girl?"

He growled and shoved passed him, crossing his arms with a huff. "Fuck you!" Noelle pointed. "Um...are you going to explain what just happened?" He blinked, and Gon grabbed Kurapika's hand. "This is Kurapika, he's one of me and Killua's friends!" Magna pointed to the body. "He's a murderer" Killua scoffed. "Kurapika's the most justified killer you've ever met. Her and her group killed his entire fucking clan, to hell with them all" He spat, kicking the body again. Gon stuck his tongue out, then kicked the body as well. "I hope they all die!" Kurapika gave him a worried look. "Your usually the one who tries to reason with people" He crossed his arms. "They literally massacre people for no reason! I tried reasoning with them but they kill people for fun."

Killua sighed, then grabbed the body. "Aight, where's she going?" Kurapika started walking and he and Gon followed, nobody tried to stop them as they left the hideout. "So, you've been gone for quite a while" Kurapika said as soon as they left. Killua shrugged. "No fucking clue how I got here. I woke up near Hage and took the magic knight's exam-" Kurapika frowned slightly. "magic...knight?" He sighed. "yeah, apparently we're from 'across the sea' or something. There's magic and mages and demons-" Kurapika covered his mouth to try to hide a snicker, but he saw it. "I'm not joking!" He snapped. Kurapika removed his hand with a faintly surprised expression. "Really?" Killua nodded. He whistled sharply. "Nero!" He dropped the body as Gon grabbed a shovel, and Nero came soaring by and settled on his outstretched finger.

She poked his nose in the usual greeting and then turned to Kurapika. He gestured to his faintly confused expression. "That's Kurapika. Remember how I told you about him that one time?" Nero nodded and Kurapika tilted his head slightly. "Is that bird sentient?" Gon giggled. "Nero's not even a bird. c'mon show him" Nero fluttered down to land on a nearby log, then she shifted back into human form. "Hello" She said. Kurapika's eyebrows raised. "You don't see that every day" Her eyes fell on the body that Gon was currently digging a hole for using Shu, then she looked back up. "I have reason to believe she deserved that" Kurapika was obviously slightly confused so Killua sighed. "So, before I knew she was a human she'd just kind of follow me around. Since I was lonely as fuck I started talking to her and...yeah she knows half my life at this point."

"And...you're doing nothing about it? Doesn't sound like you" Kurapika responded skeptically. Killua rolled his eyes. "I'm not just gonna kill her for no reason other than she knows I'm an assassin. Sure I might've done that over where we're from but it's different over here. Like, very different." Killua grinned. "I don't have to hide myself or use a fake name. Nobody knows me or my family." He put his hands behind his head. "Also, it's very different over here. For one, people actually do shit when you commit a crime or a large disturbance. Second" He thought for a moment. "Everybody has magic. Your born with it apparently instead of earning your power. Well, except this one idiot who wasn't but that aint the point" Nero had heard him talk about Nen, she knew kind of how it worked so he didn't need to hide things from her. "Alright Gon, get your book"

1411 words

To be continued...

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