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Gon stood before Nanika. A few seconds ago he had granted her last request, and now it was his turn to ask for something. He paused for a moment, thinking about the words he wanted to say. "Wish wish" Gon heard a shuffle from behind him. "are you sure this is a good idea?" Kurapika murmured. He nodded. "Nobody can find him, this is our last option" It's been over a month since he's went missing, I'm finding him today. "Wish wish" He turned his smile over to Nanika, then placed a hand on her head. "Nanika, I wish to be transported to somewhere Killua frequently visits, with a map and an explanation on how things work there" He added the last part hastily, hoping it wasn't too big of a wish. "Ai" Nanika said, then held up her hands. They started to glow, and suddenly he was sucked into a bright tunnel of light. It was blinding, he had to close his eyes. Gon felt himself spinning, zooming across space. Holy crap I feel dizzy-

He blinked, then blinked again. I can see now. He was standing on solid ground, and the first thing he heard was a growling noise. He glanced around him, taking note of the dark stone walls. Oooh, is this a castle or something? Then he was smacked in the head with a book. He winced slightly, then retrieved it from the ground. 'The Clover Kingdom For Dummies' He squinted a little. "Clover...Kingdom? Is this my explanation book?" He quickly flipped to the back and groaned at the page number. "It's 500 pages" He sulked. "GRRUNURR" He turned his head, then his eyes sparkled at what he saw. It was a cage. It wasn't the cage that caught his eye though, but what was inside it. What type of magical beasts are those? Gon bounced over to the bars, and a giant wolf stuck it's neck out and tried to chomp down on his head. "ACK!"

He dodged, then shot a stern look at the wolf. "Hey! I was trying to make friends with you!" He growled, and then Gon realized something. Killua visits here often. He slipped something out of his bag. It was a photo of him and Killua side by side, Gon then showed it to the wolf. "Killua's my best friend, he comes here often doesn't he?" The wolf stilled, and the growling stopped. He smiled. "I grew up in a forest all my life so I know all sorts of stuff about animals, but you guys are so unique and beautiful. I've never seen anything like you guys before!" The look in the wolf's eyes changed, and he stuck his head back out of the bars again. Gon giggled and reached out to stroke him. "You look kind of like Mike! But smaller I guess." The wolf leaned into his hand and his eyes lit up. Yes! Gon heard a rumble, and his eyes drifted over to the other two. "Ooh your pretty too girl" He said, trailing a hand up one of the bearlike creature's horns. He knew she was a girl, it was in the shape of the eyes and face.

She butted her head into his hand and he suddenly got an idea. "You guys must be all lonely, I bet nobody comes down here and plays with you guys. That's why you're in a cage right?" The wolf let out a whimper and she smiled. "I can sit in there with you for a while, maybe we could play a game?" His ears perked up, and then both he and the she bear retreated to the back. The third creature was already far enough away and they all stood watching him. He blinked. Oh right, the door must open wide. Or are they trained? He grabbed the book, then opened the cage. There was a loud creaking noise that he ignored, and when he closed the door behind him he got butted in the shoulder with a large head. Gon sighed, then pointed to the book. "I gotta read this first ok? Maybe we can play later?" The apelike creature rumbled, then settled down. He blinked as all three of the magical beasts curled up in more or less the same spot. Then his eyes shone. Their making me a little furry nest! Aww their so cute!

Gon quickly snapped a few pictures, then giggled as he settled down. His back was next to the wolf, with a nose resting slightly on his shoulder. The she bear was on his left, body resting against his side. The apelike creature was doing the same on the other end, and it was enormously comfortable. Sure the floor was kind of damp and hard, but it was warm and fluffy everywhere else. Gon smiled and rested his head on the wolf's body, then opened the book. The first page was a map of the clover kingdom. It was startlingly detailed and had landmarks. What's the wizard king's castle? He squinted slightly and saw a page number next to the words. He flipped to that page and oohed in fascination. Interesting.

Gon spent a few hours reading, he learned all about magic and the way things worked around here. His brain was starting to steam a little from information overload and he closed the book then gently tossed it near the edge of the bars. "I can't take anymore of cramming all the knowledge in" He complained, rolling over and resting his face and arms in the fur of the wolf. "My brain's gonna explode" He mumbled into the big pile of brown fur. Then he remembered. "Oh right! We were gonna play a game or something!" Gon bounced to his feet and stretched his arms, then beamed. "Oooh, how about-" He was cut off by a tongue rasping across his face. Gon giggled as he was suddenly engulfed by 3 large creatures trying to lick his face and paw at his shoulders. "W-Wait! H- Ahahaha, Stop it!" He darted away, and the wolf pounced after him. He grinned, then darted between his legs and leapt over the bear. "Catch me if you can!"

They were fast. Like, really fast. And the three animals were smart as well, at first they tried to catch him on their own but eventually started to work together. He snickered, "You guys are pretty smart" He leapt up high and used a technique he learned to cling to the ceiling with Nen, all three magical beasts just blinked up at him for a few seconds. "Haha! I am safe-" He was cut off with a yelp as the apelike creature leapt up and nearly snagged his backpack. Holy crap he jumps so high! Gon dropped down and bounced off of the wolf's snout, then to the other side of the cage. "Ok maybe I'm not safe" He muttered, rubbing the back of his head. The three growled, spreading out in a small semi-circle and getting ready to attack. It was all play of course, but he had to admit it was kind of intimidating. If they weren't licking my face earlier I might be scared for my life. He heard a gasp from outside the cage, but he kept focus.

"RRR" The wolf growled, tail wagging and panting slightly. He grinned, then bolted between his legs and to the other side. "Aha- ACK!" He was slammed in the face with a tail, which halted him just long enough for the bear to leap on him. "OW!" His backpack was then snagged in the wolf's teeth and he was lifted above the ground a few meters. "LUPE! PUT HIM DOWN!" He blinked over at who had yelled, and he saw a teenager with spikeyish grey hair and a bandana with a weird symbol on it. Gon giggled, then waved. "Oh hi!" He pointed to the wolf. "You called him Lupe, that's his name?" The teen blinked. "Uhh, yeah?" He wiggled a little, trying to turn. "Put me down! I wanna- Oof" He was dropped on the hard ground, and shot an indignant glare at Lupe. "Hey! You could've been a little more gentle!" Then he rapidly climbed up his leg and onto his bag with a giggle. "Your so fluffy!"

"H-How the hell'd you do that!" Gon blinked. "Do what?" The teen pointed at Lupe, and he smiled. "Oh! I'm really good with animals. I took care of a foxbear one time!" He seemed confused, so Gon pointed to the she bear. "there kinda that size and look like bears, but with fox face and coloring. His name was Kon and I found him when he was like super small!" Gon gushed, "He was the size of a kitten! But he grew so big!" He sighed. "I had to leave him to take the hunter exam though, I wonder how he's doing right now" The person outside the cage blinked a few times, then half yelled. "Wait a minute, who are you? How'd you get in without anybody noticing!" Gon thought for a moment. "Well my friend went missing so I asked someone to take me somewhere he visits a lot!" Gon reached down and ran his fingers through Lupe's fur. "I was dropped outside this cage-"

"Wait! You know Killua?" Gon's eyes lit up. "You've seen him? Where is he?" Gon slid off Lupe's back and bounced over to the bars. "O-Oh, well uh..." Gon rubbed the back of his head. "I forgot to ask your name first, sorry. I'm Gon by the way!" He smiled. "The name's Asta. But uh...he's not here right now" Gon frowned slightly. "Why not?" He sighed. "Killua's not allowed to come back for a few days" He blinked. "Why not?" He didn't get an answer, instead he heard more footsteps. "The hell's all this noi-" The guy who had walked in had brown hair with green tips, he froze and his eyes went wide. "Who the-" Gon smiled and waved. "Hi! I'm Gon! I-" He was broken off when The she bear rumbled and butted him with her head. He giggled and scratched her ears. "Hehehe, you just want attention don't you?" Asta rubbed the back of his head. "Apparently this kid appeared near the cage and that he knows Killua" The guy's eyes narrowed slightly at him. "I don't believe that"

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To be continued...

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